Come posso effettuare l'upgrade o annullare il mio piano?

Upgrade your plan
To upgrade your plan, simply access your account and click the "Upgrade" button on the right side of the top bar.
A popup with the different plans will appear. Just select the plan that suits you and follow the steps. Alternatively, choose your pricing plan from the pricing page on our website, ensuring that the email address you enter is the same as the email address of your account.

Cancel your Creator/Learning Designer plan
To cancel any plan (not branded training platform), access your account and go to the settings section using the menu in the top right corner. Click "Delete Account", then click the "Cancel Plan" button.

Cancel (and Delete) your Branded Training Platform
To cancel a Branded Training Platform or LMS installation, noting all data will be hard deleted and not recoverable, click here:

To downgrade, click on the upgrade button when logged in our select your chosen plan via the pricing page on our website. Please ensure you use the same email address as your account if downgrading via the pricing page.

My Credits
You will see your current credits on the payments section when logged in (access the payments page by clicking the drop down in the top right corner). If you need more, click upgrade.

Change my payment details
If you have a subscription and need to change your credit card or payment details click here.

How can I get more support?
You can chat with our helpful bot, Bob, by clicking here or email us at for any technical questions.

La password deve contenere almeno 12 caratteri e contenere almeno lettere maiuscole e minuscole, con un numero e un simbolo
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