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December 12, 2024
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Creating a training program heavily depends on a training needs analysis.

Conducting a training needs analysis (TNA) can help organizations collect input from employees and managers to determine the training required for improving performance.

That’s where our training needs analysis questionnaire template comes in and helps identify skill gaps, target training efforts, improve performance, support business goals, and engage employees.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the whole process, so let’s dive right in!

What is a Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire?

Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire on paper

A training needs analysis (TNA) questionnaire is a tool for bridging skill gaps in adult learning. It helps identify where training can improve performance.

Often, organizations use it to address problems like low sales, outdated skills due to new technology, or poor customer feedback. When issues stem from a lack of knowledge or skills, training can help solve them.

For example, a sales team might need coaching through tools for sales training to close more deals. Or a product team might need customer-focused training using a learning management system for customer training to improve satisfaction scores.

However, if the problem comes from larger issues, like mismatched goals or poor strategy, training alone won't fix it.

Levels of training needs analysis include:

  • Organizational level: This level focuses on company-wide goals and challenges. It identifies training that improves overall performance and prepares employees for changes in areas like technology, economics, or demographics.
  • Group or job role level: This type looks at specific teams or departments. It finds skill gaps in roles and helps create targeted training to boost their performance.
  • Individual level: This level is about specific employees. It can be tied to a project, role changes, or personal development for career growth.

Why is TNA Important?

TNA is essential to close skill gaps, improve performance, and align training with company goals. Here’s how it helps:

  • Focus on business goals: Training is tailored to support what the business needs to succeed. This helps ensure resources are used wisely.
  • Spot gaps early: New tools or changes can cause performance gaps. TNA helps identify these gaps before they grow. For example, a PWC study found only 40% of employers upskill workers to meet labor shortages.
  • Set priorities: TNA shows which training is most urgent, helping save time and money. Experts say that a training needs analysis makes training more effective and reduces frustration.
  • Plan targeted training: With TNA, you can create specific programs to fill missing skills, ensuring every resource has a clear purpose.
  • Customize for employees: TNA ensures employees get the training they need. This improves training sessions, which automatically improves engagement and ensures workers grow in their roles.

Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire Template

Use this template to assess the skills, learning styles, and training needs of employees in your organization. Adjust the questions as needed to fit your goals.

Section 1: General Information

  • Name:
  • Job Title:
  • Department:
  • Years in Current Role:

Section 2: Current Skills and Responsibilities

  • What are your main tasks and responsibilities in your current role?
    (List your daily or weekly tasks).
  • What skills do you feel confident using to complete your tasks?
    (For example, technical, communication, leadership, or problem-solving skills.)
  • Are there any tasks you find difficult or time-consuming? If so, why?
    (Explain the challenges you face.)
  • Have you taken part in any training for your role in the past year? If yes, please describe it.

Section 3: Training Needs

  • What areas do you think you need more knowledge or skills in to perform better?
    (For example, software skills, teamwork, and time management.)
  • Are there specific tools or technologies you need to learn? If yes, which ones?
  • What kind of training would help you improve your performance?
    (Examples: workshops, online courses, mentoring, hands-on training.)
  • Have you seen training programs that interest you? If yes, please share their details.
  • Do you feel the training opportunities you’ve had so far meet your needs? If not, explain why.
  • Do you think you would benefit from social-emotional learning tools?

Section 4: Future Goals

  • Describe your career goals within the next 1–3 years.
  • What new skills do you need to learn to achieve these goals?
  • Do you want to take on new responsibilities or roles in the future? If so, which ones?

Section 5: Feedback on Current Training

  • How do you rate the quality of the training programs provided by the organization?
    (Scale: Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
  • What can we improve in our training programs?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to share about your training needs or development?

Section 6: Manager-Specific Questions (Optional)

(If this questionnaire is for managers assessing their teams, include this section.)

  • What skills or knowledge gaps do you see in your team?
  • What training would help your team perform better?
  • How do you currently identify training needs within your team?
  • Can you think of any organizational challenges preventing effective training?

Distribute the questionnaire to employees and managers, then collect and review responses to spot common skill gaps or recurring needs. Finally, use the insights to design targeted training programs.

How to Create a Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire

creating a Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire on laptop

When creating a training needs analysis questionnaire, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Set Clear Goals

Start by defining the purpose of your questionnaire. Be specific about what you want to learn, and design questions that directly focus on these goals.

2. Use Simple Language

Keep questions short and clear. Avoid technical terms or confusing phrases. This helps employees give honest and useful answers.

3. Include Different Question Types

Use a mix of formats like multiple choice, open-ended, and scales (e.g., 1 to 5). This gives both detailed answers and measurable data for better analysis.

4. Protect Privacy

Assure participants their answers are confidential. Anonymity makes people more comfortable sharing honest feedback.

5. Test the Questionnaire First

Run the survey with a small group to check for issues. Look for unclear questions, technical problems, or if it takes too long to complete. Make improvements based on feedback.

6. Add Demographic Questions

Include questions about roles, departments, and time with the company. This helps you understand top trends in eLearning and training needs in specific groups. Keep these questions respectful and brief to maintain trust.


training questionnaire on a mobile

电子学习反馈调查 可以帮助了解员工的学习需求。以下是你可以在你的问题中使用的示例问题列表:


  • 您对以 1-10 的比例使用我们目前的工具有多自信?
  • 你的团队缺少哪些可以提高绩效的技能?
  • 您在工作中多久使用一次演示或报告工具?


  • 你工作中最困难的部分是什么?
  • 哪些技能可以帮助你更轻松地完成日常任务?
  • 是否有任何让人感到不清楚或令人困惑的任务或流程?


  • 你了解公司的主要目标和愿景吗?
  • 您对全公司新软件更新的准备程度如何?
  • 您对我们最近的可持续发展努力有多满意?


  • 什么样的培训可以支持你的职业发展?
  • 你觉得公司提供了足够的晋升机会吗?
  • 你想提高哪些软技能,例如团队合作或领导力?


  • 你觉得工作场所具有包容性和支持性吗?
  • 你会如何评价团队内部的沟通?
  • 你愿意向管理层报告疑虑或问题吗?


  • 您认为公司跟上行业趋势的程度如何?
  • 会接受新技术的培训,比如 学习人工智能的最佳课程,对你的工作有好处吗?
  • 你熟悉我们的竞争对手提供的产品和服务吗?


  • 你更喜欢在线、面对面还是混合培训?
  • 培训课程应多久举行一次:每周、每月或每季度?
  • 跨部门培训会改善协作吗?
  • 哪些障碍阻止您参加培训计划?
  • 会是指导计划还是 员工培训系统 帮助你的职业成长?
  • 训练后你找到反馈的效果如何?
  • 培训课程是否根据不同的经验水平进行了调整?

这些问题可以帮助创建一项调查,以确定特定的培训需求,并确保员工在发展过程中感到支持。他们还可以帮助您交付 数据驱动的学习 以获得更好的结果。


office workers shaking hands


  • 按主题对回复进行分组: 将答案按技能差距、首选训练风格和主要兴趣等类别进行整理。这样可以更轻松地查看模式和趋势。
  • 查看训练偏好: 看看员工更喜欢如何学习,包括在线、面对面或动手学习。根据这些选择量身定制您的计划,以提高参与度。
  • 对训练优先级进行排序: 使用调查结果来确定最紧迫和最有影响力的培训需求。专注于与公司目标一致且对员工影响最大的领域。
  • 进行技能差距分析: 将员工当前的技能与其职位所需的技能进行比较。这凸显了差距,并有助于使用以下方法规划有针对性的培训课程 个性化学习平台
  • 让关键利益相关者参与进来: 与经理和团队负责人分享调查结果。他们的反馈可以加深你对部门特定需求的理解。

精心设计的培训需求调查是提高技能和建立一支更强大、更有能力的员工队伍的基础。专注于切实可行的见解和明确的优先事项,以使您的计划真正有效并促进更多发展 敏感训练

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