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September 13, 2024
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How to Create Training Modules for Beginners

Learning how to design training modules can make your courses much more effective. Apply our expert tips on how to create a training module quickly and easily.

How to Create Training Modules for Beginners

The workforce keeps evolving and personalized corporate training is becoming more preferred by employees because it’s time-saving and interactive.

Companies also benefit from this type of training as it costs less and provides far better results than traditional training.

The best part? With a good LMS, almost anyone can create a training module. But why is creating a learning module properly that important? Well, the anatomy and content of your modules can significantly impact the learning experience.

That’s why today we’ll discuss training module examples and teach you how to create a training module from scratch!

Training Modules Examples

There’s a wide range of training modules that help create a more engaging and effective learning experience. Additionally, with a modern AI LMS, like Coursebox AI, even those without coding skills can create training courses that fit their business needs.

With our tools, you can craft various training modules, each crafted for specific learning goals and styles. Here’s a breakdown of some of the different types of training modules:

Interactive Assessments

Interactive assessments get learners involved by placing them in real-world scenarios, allowing them to use their knowledge and skills in a simulated environment. This type of module focuses on learning through experience.

Most interactive eLearning software enable learners to make choices and observe the outcomes in a safe, virtual space. These assessments perform well for testing practical understanding and problem-solving in real situations.

Video-Based Modules

AI educational video makers offer modules that use videos to present information in a way that is easy to understand and engaging. They mix visuals and sounds to enhance the learning experience.

This type of module is great for showing how things work, explaining ideas, and providing visual examples that support the learning goals.

Gamified Learning Modules

Gamified modules make learning fun by adding game-like elements, such as challenges, rewards, and competitive situations.

This approach makes learning more enjoyable and engaging, encouraging learners to stay motivated and actively participate. Using eLearning gamification software can help improve retention and keep learners interested.

Webinar and Virtual Classroom Modules

Webinar and virtual classroom modules provide live, instructor-led sessions that allow real-time interaction between instructors and learners.

These modules offer instant feedback, Q&A sessions, and group activities, creating a learning environment similar to a traditional classroom. They bring together participants from different locations, removing geographical barriers.

Self-Paced eLearning Courses

Self-paced courses let learners move through the material at their own speed. These modules often include recorded content, assessments, and other resources, meeting different learning styles and schedules. They’re ideal for learners who prefer flexibility and want to control their own learning journey.

How to Create a Training Module in 10 Steps

First and foremost, think of building a training module like planning a good lesson: you need the right combination of employee training materials, activities, interactive parts for better engagement and retention, and ways to track progress.

In other words, creating a training module, along with a whole training plan, takes careful planning after exploring some of the best LMS platforms for corporate training. This guide will walk you through each step to help you build a great module.

Whether you’re already familiar with designing training or just starting out, these steps will give you useful tips to create something that works well for everyone.

Step 1: Understand the Problem

Assuming you’ve already explored some of the best LMS platforms for corporate training and chose the right one for your needs, we suggest starting with the issue that needs handling. To figure this out, ask open-ended questions like:

  • What problem should your corporate training solve?
  • What skills or knowledge will help close this gap?
  • How much do your employees already know or can they do?
  • What is the desired knowledge level or performance you want them to reach?

These questions will help you clearly understand the issue and shape your learning goals. Also, take some time to learn about your learners, which will help you choose the right difficulty level and tone for the training modules.

Step 2: Set a SMART Goal

A training goal sets the purpose and direction for your module. To create a good one, use the SMART method:

  • Specific: Clearly state what the learner will learn or do by the end.
  • Measurable: Define how success will be measured, like using new skills consistently.
  • Achievable: Set realistic and doable tasks.
  • Relevant: Focus on skills and knowledge that matter for the job.
  • Timely: Ensure learners can finish the module within a reasonable time frame.

Step 3: Choose the Best Content Format

After figuring out the problem and setting your goal, it's time to start creating!

The key to effective training is choosing the right AI tool for personalized learning for corporate training and the type of module for your learning goal.

Match the content format with the specific need:

  • Job knowledge, compliance, safety, and onboarding: Use e-courses, interactive assessments, or video lectures.
  • Processes, procedures, and “how-to” guides: Opt for FAQ interactions, screencasts, or e-books.
  • Product knowledge training: Consider training videos for employees, e-courses, or webinars.
  • Software and systems training: Screencasts, hands-on interactions, or video tutorials work well.
  • Sales, customer service, soft skills, and leadership: Try video lectures, dialogue simulations, or podcasts.
  • Skills certification: Use interactive assessments.

If you’re new to online learning, Coursebox AI can help you create engaging and diverse content. It can quickly turn various files into interactive learning.

You can add quizzes and record videos without fancy tools. Plus, you and your team can collaborate and review courses together in real-time.

Step 4: Create Your Content

Now, focus on crafting the content for your training modules. Make sure it's clear, engaging, and easy to understand. Templates like the ones Coursebox AI offers can help make this process smoother.

  • Outline your content: Break your goal into learning paths, smaller sections, or topics to guide the learning process.
  • Mix it up: Combine text, images, videos, and interactive features to make the content lively and interesting.
  • Use real-world examples: Practical scenarios make it easier for learners to grasp and remember the material.

A quick tip: Keep everything simple and direct. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and plenty of visuals to make the content appealing and easy to digest.

Step 5: Use No-Code or AI-Powered Platforms for Building

If your company wants to create custom training modules without needing a lot of technical skills, opt for a no-code or AI-powered LMS.

Solutions like Coursebox AI allow you to build training modules that fit your business and learner needs. It’s flexible and easy to use, so you can create and update training content quickly, keeping your educational materials fresh and relevant.

Step 6: Keep Your Learners Engaged

To keep your audience interested, avoid common issues like content overload. Otherwise, they might get overwhelmed, which will reduce their ability to retain and engage with the material.

Training modules should be clear and focused, sharing information in manageable chunks. Make sure the content is relevant; learners engage more when they see value in what they’re learning for their roles or personal growth. Balance covering necessary topics with avoiding unnecessary details that don't support immediate goals.

Microlearning platforms can improve engagement by breaking content into short, focused segments that take just a few minutes to consume. This approach fits well in today's fast-paced work settings, where everyone has limited time and attention.

Microlearning makes learning easier and more memorable by concentrating on one idea at a time. Include short videos, quick quizzes, or brief exercises to create engaging modules and set small, achievable goals for learners to build a full understanding of the topic.

However, consider the pros and cons of microlearning before incorporating it into your training process.

Step 7: Collect Feedback and Revise

Once you’ve completed the first version of your module, it’s time to get feedback from subject matter experts (SMEs) and stakeholders. To manage this effectively, follow a three-step design process: alpha, beta, and gold drafts:

  • Alpha draft: This initial version should be around 75-80% complete. Expect extensive feedback from SMEs at this stage.
  • Beta draft: After incorporating the feedback from the alpha draft, this version should be about 95-98% accurate. There will be fewer changes needed here.
  • Gold draft: This final version should be nearly perfect, around 99-100% correct, assuming the previous feedback rounds were thorough.

Step 8: Test the Training with a Pilot

Before launching your training module company-wide, run a pilot with a small group of employees who don’t know much about the topic. This helps you see how the training performs in a real setting.

Gather their feedback to find out what worked and what needs improvement. If the training doesn’t meet the goals, identify gaps and discuss with SMEs and stakeholders how to address them.

Step 9: Set Up a Feedback System

Set up a system to collect learner feedback throughout the training process. Here’s how:

  • Create feedback forms: Use simple surveys or forms for learners to fill out. Keep them brief and focused on key areas for the best results.
  • Encourage communication: Make it easy for learners to ask questions and give feedback.
  • Review and act on feedback: Regularly check feedback and make needed changes.

Step 10: Finalize, Upload, and Launch

Make any last adjustments and upload the completed version to your LMS. Work with your team and project managers to plan the official launch of the training.

After launching, consider tracking learning results and usage at 30, 60, and 90 days. Monitoring these metrics helps you see how well the training is improving employee skills and job performance.

Creating Training Modules Has Hever Been Easier with Coursebox AI!

Building training modules is a breeze with the right authoring tool. Coursebox AI offers a user-friendly interface and ready-made templates for courses and job resources.

You can easily add assessments, videos, and job aids to your training modules, making it simpler to provide learners with everything they need to succeed.

Curious about using our tools? Sign up for a free plan today and see how easy it is to create your training modules!

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