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June 19, 2024
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Las 10 mejores herramientas de IA para RRHH

Vea las mejores herramientas de IA para los departamentos de recursos humanos

Las 10 mejores herramientas de IA para RRHH

Having an effective human resources department is now more important than ever before as far as the smooth operation of a company is concerned.

HR or human relations is all about making sure that employees adhere to company standards, that they treat everyone equally and with respect, and that employees are generally happy and satisfied. As you can imagine, HR is a difficult aspect of any business, and it’s something that requires a multi-faceted approach to do properly.

This is where HR tools that are powered by AI come into play. AI isn’t just useful for answering basic questions, but makes for an invaluable HR tool. Let’s get to it and take a look at the 10 best AI tools for HR out there right now.

What to Look for in an AI Tool for HR

Before we take a closer look at the best AI tools for HR, let’s quickly talk about some of the main considerations to keep in mind when making a choice.

  • Look for an AI tool that is able to integrate with your current HR system and business tools.
  • Having an AI tool that provides recruitment automation, training, employee engagement services, and data analytics can be very beneficial.
  • Determine how capable the AI in question is, and if it is able to learn from past experiences.
  • A good piece of AI for HR should always have a user-friendly interface.
  • Ensure that the tool in question is compliant with data protection regulations.
  • A good AI tool for HR should be scalable.

10 Best AI Tools for HR

Here we have what are effectively the 10 best AI tools for HR purposes, so let’s take a closer look at each one right now.

1. Coursebox

First, we have Coursebox, an AI-powered system that helps to streamline the creation and management of online courses, such as HR training courses. It’s great for employee development on this front, and it is able to automatically create courses based on the specific needs of organizations. It’s all about being able to maximize efficiency and employee management through the use of AI, such as for progress tracking.



  • Basic Plan: Free
  • Creator Yearly: $17 Monthly
  • Expert Yearly: $42 Monthly
  • LXP Insanity: $1083 Monthly


2. ChatGPT

Another great tool for human resources purposes is ChatGPT, specifically the newest version, ChatGPT 4. The reason for this is quite simple, because ChatGPT has a huge database of knowledge, can research facts, provide summaries, and so much more. Thanks to its extensive development, it is well-versed at answering questions associated with HR. It’s able to answer virtually any question in relation to HR and company management. See the best ChatGPT prompts for HR professionals here


  • Ability to automate repetitive questions and answers
  • The language is very natural, which allows for clear communication
  • ChatGPT easily integrates with HR systems


  • Basic Version: Free
  • Plus: $20 per Month


3. Beamery

As far as HR is concerned, talent acquisition is always a big deal, and to help you on that front, Beamery is a great option to consider. This AI-powered system is designed to help companies acquire and retain the best talent in the world. It has capabilities that allow it to automate various processes related to talent acquisition, which makes it ideal for developing and implementing recruiting strategies.


  • Real-time insights and analytics
  • AI-driven talent relationship management
  • Various automation features to make the recruitment process as streamlined as possible


  • Contact Beamery for Details


4. Anodot

We then have Anodot, an AI tool designed to make business monitoring and HR processes autonomous. This makes it ideal for detecting anomalies in employee data, so employers can quickly and effectively address issues in relation to employee performance, payroll, and more. Anodot also excels at creating HR forecasts, such as for staffing needs, which helps to optimize the management of the workforce.


  • Predictive analytics are used to plan and optimize the workforce
  • Anomaly detection in real-time to quickly identify and solve HR problems
  • Integrates seamlessly with most major HR systems


  • Costs Vary Based on Individual Needs


5. ObviouslyAI

If you are looking for an AI tool that does not require any coding whatsoever, something that is ideal for creating predictive models for the HR industry, then ObviouslyAI should be considered. When it comes to creating predictive models, such as for predicting employee turnover, ObviouslyAI is very useful, as it can inform companies in terms of hiring needs, retention strategy, and much more.  


  • Very user-friendly interface that does not require any coding whatsoever
  • Models can be built quickly for efficient forecasting needs
  • HR data systems can easily integrate with it for real-time data


  • Data Scientist: $999 per Month
  • Data Scientist with Code Files: $1999 per Month
  • Data Science Team with Express Support: Contact Sales for Details


6. HR Signal

HR Signal is one of the top options as far as AI tools for HR is concerned, with the main reason being that it specializes in analyzing feedback from employees. It therefore excels at providing employers with real-time information about satisfaction and workplace morale. It’s an excellent tool for helping the HR department identify various problems and concerns within an organization, with the main goal being to create a positive and accepting workplace culture.


  • Employee feedback is analyzed in real time to effective gauge morale
  • AI is used to predict the needs and behaviors of employees
  • HR Signal provides actionable insights that are tailored specifically for company needs


  • For Companies with 100 to 999 Employees: $5 per Month per Employee
  • For Companies with 1,000+ Employees: Contact Sales


7. TalentGuard Workforce GPT

As far as AI tools for employees are concerned, TalentGuard Workforce GPT is a great one to consider. This is a tool designed to provide employees with insights about the potential paths for advancement within an organization. It also provides employees with the information they need to know in order to advance within a company. It is therefore a great tool for companies because it helps to build overall employee satisfaction and retention. As for HR purposes, it provides organizations a dashboard that helps track development within the company.


  • AI-driven career pathing tools to help employees develop
  • Allows for personalized recommendations that helps employees develop
  • Inclusion of an AI-powered analytics dashboard for company-wide information


  • Comuníquese con Ventas para obtener información


8. TalkPush

Si lo que está buscando es una herramienta de contratación basada en inteligencia artificial que lo ayude a encontrar a los mejores empleados, considere la posibilidad de buscar Talk Push. El objetivo principal de TalkPush es simplificar y mejorar los procesos de selección y entrevista de posibles candidatos. Esto ayuda a que a las organizaciones les resulte mucho más fácil encontrar a los empleados adecuados, ya que reduce el tiempo necesario para la contratación y, al mismo tiempo, proporciona a los posibles candidatos una participación en tiempo real. Se trata de poder gestionar un gran volumen de solicitudes en un tiempo limitado.


  • Selección de talentos automatizada y basada en inteligencia artificial y programación de entrevistas
  • Los chatbots de IA se utilizan para interactuar con los candidatos de forma continua
  • TalkPush proporciona datos en tiempo real para ayudar a que el proceso de contratación sea más eficiente


  • Póngase en contacto con el departamento de ventas para solicitar una demostración


9. Leena AI

A continuación, tenemos Leena AI, una herramienta diseñada para ayudar a mejorar la prestación de servicios de recursos humanos mediante la utilización de lo último en tecnología de inteligencia artificial. En esencia, Leena AI es un asistente virtual que proporciona respuestas automatizadas y detalladas a las consultas de los empleados. Es una herramienta que se destaca por ofrecer a los empleados respuestas completas y precisas en tiempo real, lo que permite una mayor satisfacción de los empleados. Otra gran ventaja de Leena AI es que puede integrarse sin problemas con prácticamente cualquier sistema de recursos humanos.


  • Asistente virtual con tecnología de inteligencia artificial que responde incluso a las consultas de recursos humanos más complejas
  • Se integra con la mayoría de los sistemas de recursos humanos
  • Análisis exhaustivos para realizar un seguimiento del rendimiento y la eficacia de los recursos humanos


  • Póngase en contacto con el departamento de ventas para solicitar una demostración e información sobre precios


10. Effy.AI es una herramienta fantástica si necesitas algo que pueda automatizar las tareas básicas de recursos humanos. Si necesita algo para rastrear la asistencia, administrar las hojas de tiempo y mucho más, entonces es una herramienta que debe considerar. Utiliza el aprendizaje automático para mejorar y adaptarse constantemente a los entornos cambiantes, lo que mejora la entrega y la eficacia de los sistemas de recursos humanos en todos los ámbitos. Es una gran herramienta que proporciona información valiosa para ayudar a facilitar mucho el proceso de toma de decisiones.


  • Automatiza las tareas rutinarias de RRHH para una eficiencia optimizada
  • El proceso se refina durante un período de tiempo gracias al aprendizaje automático
  • La IA genera información sobre RRHH para ayudar a simplificar el proceso de toma de decisiones


  • Básico: gratuito
  • Pro: 85$ al mes


Reflexiones finales sobre las mejores herramientas de IA para RRHH

La conclusión es que existen muchas herramientas de IA excelentes para RRHH. Ahora depende de ti encontrar la que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades. Recuerda que algunas de estas herramientas son las mejores para la contratación, otras para la satisfacción de los empleados, otras para racionalizar los recursos humanos en general, etc., ¡así que elige sabiamente!

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