Die 10 besten Tools für soziales emotionales Lernen
Möchten Sie das soziale emotionale Lernen in Klassenzimmern verbessern? Finden Sie online die 10 besten Tools für soziales emotionales Lernen, um die emotionale Intelligenz der Schüler zu steigern.
Möchten Sie das soziale emotionale Lernen in Klassenzimmern verbessern? Finden Sie online die 10 besten Tools für soziales emotionales Lernen, um die emotionale Intelligenz der Schüler zu steigern.
The rise of social-emotional learning (SEL) in education has become a significant part of educational institutes. SEL is not just about teaching academic skills but also about helping students develop emotional intelligence, empathy, and better relationships.
Schools, teachers, and even workplaces are now looking for tools to facilitate this crucial learning in structured and interactive ways.
But where do you start? Thankfully, there are numerous tools out there specifically designed to enhance social and emotional learning.
In this article, we’ll explore the 10 best social emotional learning tools that can transform your learning environment. With these tools, you can give students the emotional skills they need for lifelong success.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) refers to how individuals, both children and adults, develop essential skills to manage emotions. It helps them set and achieve positive goals while feeling and showing empathy for others.
The SEL approach also fosters an individual's holistic development by focusing on cognitive learning and emotional and social growth. It can improve classroom behavior and academic performance and reduce issues like bullying. SEL also extends beyond the classroom, helping people build stronger relationships in personal and professional settings.
The best social emotional learning tools help make this approach an integral part of your educational and business setup.
To help you integrate SEL into your program, we’ve rounded up the 10 best social emotional learning tools available online. From comprehensive platforms to specialized tools, these resources are designed to support emotional growth and interpersonal skills.
The top SEL tools are:
Coursebox takes the lead in our list of 10 best social emotional learning tools because of its adaptable features. It is the #1 AI-powered eLearning platform. It stands out not only for its comprehensive course management features but also for its personalized approach to social emotional learning.
With Coursebox, you can easily turn any type of content, whether it’s a video, document, or even an image, into interactive courses.
These courses are designed to promote emotional intelligence and empathy in students. Its AI-driven platform also enables the quick creation of quizzes and assessments to ensure that learners are fully engaged.
Freemium model available, with advanced plans starting at $84 per month.
Emotional ABCs is an award-winning tool designed for kids aged 4 to 11, providing a structured approach to emotional learning. Through interactive lessons, games, and activities, it teaches kids how to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions. It is popular among parents, teachers, and therapists due to its advanced features.
One of the key features of Emotional ABCs is its step-by-step method, which breaks down complex emotional concepts into easy-to-understand lessons. Each module builds on the last, ensuring kids not only recognize their emotions but also develop strategies to cope with challenging feelings.
Classcraft gamifies the SEL experience, making emotional learning engaging and fun. Its immersive platform allows students to build emotional and social skills through team-based adventures and quests.
Through quests, challenges, and collaborative activities, students learn how to navigate real-world emotions, build empathy, and improve their relationships. The platform encourages teamwork, where each student plays a role in the success of their group. It promotes collaboration, communication, and mutual support.
Peekapak is a storytelling-based SEL tool that encourages empathy, kindness, and emotional understanding. Designed for Pre-K to Grade 12, it features engaging stories and activities that align with CASEL’s SEL framework.
Teachers and educators can use Peekapak’s interactive content to create a more inclusive and supportive classroom environment, helping students apply SEL principles in real-world situations.
Freemium model is available in Peekapak PRO ad Schools & Boards.
Second Step offers a research-based SEL program designed for various grade levels, from kindergarten through high school. The curriculum includes lessons on self-regulation, relationship building, and emotional management.
By incorporating these lessons into the daily school routine, Second Step aims to foster a well-rounded, emotionally intelligent student body equipped with the tools to succeed both in and outside the classroom.
Quote available upon request.
Empatico is a free online platform that connects classrooms around the world to promote cross-cultural understanding. Through real-time video exchanges, students learn about empathy and emotional intelligence by interacting with peers in different countries.
The platform goes beyond just academic learning; it focuses on emotional growth, helping students build key social skills such as active listening, compassion, and understanding of others’ viewpoints.
Rethink Ed offers an SEL curriculum integrated with mental health support and behavioral analysis tools. It focuses on creating a well-rounded program that benefits both students and educators, promoting emotional well-being.
The platform goes beyond just academic learning; it focuses on emotional growth, helping students build key social skills such as active listening, compassion, and understanding of others’ viewpoints.
Fill out the Rethink Ed contact form for pricing.
Sanford Harmony is a relationship-building program aimed at Pre-K through Grade 6 students. Its main focus is to foster positive peer interactions and reduce relational conflicts through structured SEL lessons.
Their approach to relationship-building and SEL is essential for helping young students grow into socially competent individuals who can navigate relationships, work effectively in teams, and handle challenges with empathy and understanding.
Kostenlos für Lehrer und Schulen
Das Zonen der Regulierung Ein Framework hilft den Schülern, ihre Emotionen zu verstehen und mit ihnen umzugehen. Dieses Selbstregulierungssystem verwendet vier farbcodierte Zonen, um emotionale Zustände zu vereinfachen. Es erleichtert den Schülern das Erkennen von Gefühlen und die Auswahl geeigneter Antworten. Dies unterstützt nicht nur das emotionale Wachstum, sondern fördert auch eine produktivere Lernumgebung.
Lächelnder Geist ist ein auf Achtsamkeit basierendes SEL-Tool, das für Schüler jeden Alters entwickelt wurde. Diese gemeinnützige App bietet geführte Meditations- und Achtsamkeitspraktiken, die dazu beitragen können, die emotionale Regulierung und das Selbstbewusstsein der Schüler zu verbessern.
Dieses Tool wird von Pädagogen und Eltern gleichermaßen häufig verwendet, um Schülern zu helfen, grundlegende Lebenskompetenzen zu entwickeln, die sowohl ihre emotionale als auch ihre akademische Leistung verbessern.
Freier Zugang für Einzelpersonen, Familien und Schulen seit über 12 Jahren.
Bei der Auswahl der 10 besten Tools für soziales emotionales Lernen müssen Sie einige Faktoren berücksichtigen, wie zum Beispiel:
Coursebox bietet eine komplette KI-gestützte Lösung, die an jede Lernumgebung angepasst werden kann. Tools wie Classcraft und Peekapak eignen sich jedoch hervorragend für spezifische Bedürfnisse, wie z. B. spielerisches Lernen oder Storytelling-Ansätze.
Die Nachfrage nach SEL sowohl in Schulen als auch am Arbeitsplatz wächst, und das aus gutem Grund. Diese Tools wurden entwickelt, um emotionale Intelligenz aufzubauen, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen zu stärken und eine einfühlsamere, verständnisvollere Gesellschaft zu schaffen.
Egal, ob Sie ein Lehrer sind, der das emotionale Bewusstsein Ihrer Schüler stärken möchte, oder eine Organisation, die Teamarbeit und Empathie verbessern möchte, diese 10 besten Tools für soziales emotionales Lernen werden mit Sicherheit einen Unterschied machen.
Indem Sie das richtige Tool auswählen und es in Ihren Lehrplan integrieren, bereiten Sie die Lernenden emotional und akademisch auf Erfolgskurs. Beginnen Sie mit Coursebox oder entdecken Sie eine der anderen großartigen Optionen auf unserer Liste.