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15 Sales Training Topics For Best Results

Discover the top 15 sales training topics to optimize your training course and equip your team with the knowledge to tackle any selling scenario. 

15 Sales Training Topics For Best Results

The continuously evolving market demands an adaptive sales team to achieve sustained results. Therefore, it is important to create realistic goals for your sales team and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to reach these goals. 

According to the LinkedIn Learning Report 2023, 89% of the Learning and Development pros believe building employee skill sets immensely helps shape the future of work. This encourages the need for a comprehensive sales training course with B2B sales training topics that will help your team build lasting customer relationships and communicate effectively. 

We have included the 15 most important sales training topics in this article that you need to add to your next training course. Let’s take a look! 

15 Effective Sales Training Topics for 2024

Forbes magazine reports that 55% of the people working in sales lack essential sales skills, reflecting the need for a training course. This helps build a solid foundation for your employees, enabling them to manage objections and close more deals effectively. 

Here are some sales training topics that you can use in your training programs to boost performance and drive sales: 

55% of salespeople lack basic sales skills


1. Asking the Right Questions  

The most important step in any sale is understanding the customer’s problem. Listening to the customer and asking the right questions helps you figure out their pain points, concerns, and goals, which in turn paves the way for a successful deal. 

This is why you should train your employees to ask the probing question. Asking open-ended questions enables the salesperson to connect with the prospect at a deeper level, empathize, and present their product as the solution. This entire process goes beyond just making a sale, as it helps build a lasting relationship with your client. 

2.  Dealing with Objections

One of the most important sales training topics to include in your training program is handling rejections. Rejections are an inevitable part of the sales process. However, the ball is in your court even after the customer’s rejections. 

How your team responds after ‘NO’ can make or break the deal. It’s their approach that determines whether the gate stays open or closes for good. 

Training your employees to handle rejection can help them stay confident, address concerns, and turn objections into opportunities. Mock calls with other employees and role-playing are a few great ways to approach sales training topics in an interactive manner. 

3. Building Customer Trust and Relationship

Whether you’re dealing with B2B or B2C markets, it is crucial to establish trust between the two parties (business and the client) for a successful sales interaction. This is where the strategy of building rapport and converting them into potential customers comes into play. 

By engaging in a friendly conversation with your leads, and asking them about their day and daily problems, your team can build authentic relationships with prospects, leading to customer loyalty. 

BONUS TIP: Include a segment in your training that encourages employees to participate in meaningful conversations with each other. It is a great way to practice soft skills and also provides an opportunity to strengthen team connections. 

4. Social Selling

Social selling is one of the best sales training topics for your training course. Training your sales team to maintain a strong online presence across leading social media platforms helps convert more leads and reach a wider audience. This is the reason why 78% of social sellers outperform their peers.  

In addition to selling techniques, you should educate your employees about your company's policy regarding social media accounts. Make sure your employees understand the policy, and the tone and message your brand wants to convey. 

The clearer these guidelines are, the more confident your employees will be in building an authentic, and positive relationship with the prospect. 

78% of businesses use social selling to outperform

Source: LinkedIn

5. Presenting the Sales Pitch

Once you’ve built customer trust, the next step is to present a compelling sales pitch that is hard to resist. Sales training should emphasize soft skills, such as interpersonal, presentation, and problem-solving skills, to increase the conversion rate without hard selling. 

Remember, don’t stop at theory — put your sales team skills to the test with one-on-one mock scenarios. You can also record sales calls from your experienced employees (with their consent) and share them with the new team members. Real-life examples offer valuable insights and assist employees in refining their approach. 


Soft skills with the highest growth rates

Source: SLT

6. Product Knowledge 

As a part of the sales team, it’s important for employees to know everything about the product. But there is more to it than learning the features and repeating it to the leads. 

Your sales team should be equipped with the necessary knowledge to provide product demos, counter objections, and highlight the product value in a way that resonates with the customer. 

To achieve this, consider implementing targeted strategies that align with your team’s skill gaps. One of the most effective ways to do this is to leverage technology and use an LMS to create an online sales training course. You can develop a structured sales training course that solely focuses on your team’s strengths and weaknesses. Besides adding custom content, it provides AI tools for employee skills assessment, allowing you to test your employee product knowledge. 

7. Negotiation Skills

A salesperson who knows how to negotiate can convert a lead into a customer on his terms while making the customer believe they are in control. Creating this win-win situation requires tactful negotiation on the part of the seller. 

This involves brainstorming all possible negotiable areas in your pitch and potential customer objections so you can effectively counter them with your own offer. You can arrange sessions and workshops where your team brainstorms all negotiable areas of your pitch, including the services and pricing. 

Using interactive eLearning software can help you simulate real-life negotiation scenarios to help your employees practice and refine their negotiation skills.    

8. Role-playing Exercises 

Different types of training for sales teams require different formats to productively train your employees. It doesn’t always have to be through lectures and learning material. Learning how to improve training sessions by utilizing interactive methods like roleplaying trains your sales team to encounter different types of customers and situations without breaking a sweat. 

BONUS TIP: Replicate a sales interaction and mirror common challenges encountered by your team. This includes facing a difficult customer, handling objections, or navigating through negotiations. By roleplaying both as a salesperson and a customer, your team will build empathy and have a chance to learn from each other.

9. Updating and Managing CRM

There’s no denying that CRM tools are highly effective for managing and analyzing data to make data-driven decisions, manage leads, and keep the sales team organized. 45% of the companies report an increase in sales revenue after using CRM software. But, to utilize it to its full potential, your sales team needs to continuously update the CRM software. 

Sales teams may sometimes struggle with navigating CRM software, or underestimate the importance of CRM and its impact on sales. To ensure your team learns how to use it to its full potential, it is important to include it in your list of sales training topics. Provide hands-on training and encourage your employees to update the CRM frequently for better organization and sales drive. 

Weekly time spent by salespeople using CRM software


10. Competitor Analysis and Trends

In the cut-throat business world, just knowing your product is not enough. Your sales team should have all the knowledge about their competitors- their products, pricing, features, strengths, and weaknesses. It allows you to identify the gaps and highlight the value points of your product, compelling the customers to invest in it. 

By keeping tabs on your competitors and market trends, you can create a lucrative pitch, focusing on unique selling points that can’t be ignored. Train your employees to carry out in-depth market research with competitor analysis to have an edge over your competitors. 

To help with this, you can design a training course offering market research training, integrated with the best employee training tracking software

11. Pipeline Management 

A well-managed sales pipeline helps analyze different sales strategies, improve your sales process, forecast future business results, and much more. By effectively managing the sales pipeline, salespeople can close more deals and predict the direction of the company’s growth. 

By adding pipeline management as a core sales training topic, you can teach your employees how to prioritize leads and forecast sales for increased revenue. Ensure your employees understand all the stages of a sales pipeline, including prospecting, qualification, proposal, negotiation, closing, and retention. 

12. Focusing on Promising Leads

Prioritizing high-potential leads can significantly improve sales performance and save your company’s time and resources. Training your sales team to identify promising leads among bad-fit leads can increase the conversion rate and enhance your company’s growth. 

Testing your employees with quizzes to judge if they know how to prioritize high-potential leads can help you detect the skill gap. Additionally, train your salespeople on how to categorize leads based on their potential. Investing time in leads that align with the needs of their ideal customers results in enhanced lead conversion. 

13. Storytelling Skills

Storytelling is the most compelling way to convert a lead. It creates an emotional connection between the customer and the product by helping prospects visualize how the product is going to impact their lives. Learning how to accommodate different learning styles in the workplace can greatly enhance your team’s engagement and productivity. 

According to research, people tend to remember stories 22 times more than facts alone. Therefore, delivering your sales pitch in a story format resonates with the customer better, helping you close more deals. You can arrange training courses with interactive sessions and mocks, asking the sales team to practice storytelling to get a strong hold on it.  

14. Understanding Buyer Persona  

One of the most crucial sales training topics to cover in your course is understanding buyer persona. Every customer is different, which means you need to adapt their style to convince them. Some people like coming straight to the point, while others prefer a bit of small talk first. 

Switching your style to match theirs leads to a more impactful pitch that drives more sales. By discussing different buyer personas and familiarizing your sales team by role-playing, you can get to know the prospects on a deeper level and engage with them better. 

15. Closing Techniques  

While finding high-potential leads is great work, you need to be able to close the deal to make it count. Sales training topics should include closing techniques, such as puppy dog close, scale close, scarcity close, summary close, and takeaway close.

Equipping salespeople with the necessary closing techniques results in employee confidence, which positively impacts your revenue and helps build lasting relationships with your customers. One of the best ways to expedite and ensure successful closing is to create a sense of urgency. You can train your employees to offer exclusive incentives and limited-time offers to influence the customers to make prompt decisions.

There are several best tools for sales training available out there that allow you to create detailed training courses, including closing techniques, negotiation tips, and a lot more. 

Unlock Your Team’s Potential and Drive More Sales

Including sales training topics that align with your employee needs and buyer personas can create a high-functioning sales team that keeps up with the evolving market. It enables your team to manage communication, build sales pipelines, generate leads, and close more deals.  

Instead of investing in a generic pre-recorded training course, design your own sales training course, specifically tailored to your team’s needs. With Coursebox, you can design online training courses, assisted by features like AI assessment, AI quiz generator, and instant feedback for more interactive employee training.


What topics are taught in sales training?

Sales training includes essential topics required to chase leads and close deals. It majorly includes training employees on how to deal with rejection, identifying high-potential leads, and negotiation strategies to convert leads. Depending on your specific employee needs, it also focuses on building storytelling abilities and CRM management for well-managed sales.  

What is effective sales training?

Effective sales training is a practical and engaging way of educating your sales team on how to tackle common challenges and increase conversion rates. It emphasizes sales training topics like objection handling, effective communication, and closing techniques to equip your employees with the necessary skills to enhance their performance. 

Incorporating methods like role-playing exercises, activities, and games in your training courses and workshops, whether online or in-person enhances learning retention and employee performance. 

What is an effective sales strategy?

A well-defined sales strategy is a roadmap that aligns your business goals with customer needs and focuses on engaging and converting leads. This ensures all the team members are on the same page regarding revenue goals and sales techniques. 

It involves analyzing competitors, researching buyer persona, and data-driven insights to target the right audience and close the deals. 

What are the three most essential skills in sales? 

The three most essential skills in sales to close more deals are:

  • Ability to empathize with your customers: Understanding your prospect’s perspective by connecting to them on a deeper level builds trust by addressing their unique needs. Ask them questions and adapt to the customer’s persona by matching their style.
  • Discover your prospects' pain points: Discover the customer’s pain points and align them with your product, highlighting the value to increase the likelihood of lead conversion. 
  • Ability to handle objections: By addressing your customer’s concerns and reframing the objections as opportunities you can highlight the unique selling points of your product. This way you can successfully convert a missed opportunity into a closed deal. 

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