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Die wichtigsten eLearning-Feedback-Fragen für jeden Kurs

Erfahren Sie, wie E-Learning-Feedback-Fragen Aufschluss darüber geben können, was die Lernenden über Ihren Kurs denken und fühlen. Erfahren Sie, warum Engagement und Zufriedenheit für bessere Ergebnisse und dauerhaften Wissenserhalt wichtig sind.

Die wichtigsten eLearning-Feedback-Fragen für jeden Kurs

eLearning feedback questions help you see what’s working and what needs a tweak in your course. By asking the right ones, you’ll get a better feel for how learners see your content and keep them coming back.

A quick post-course survey lets them share honest thoughts, so you can make your course even better. Not sure where to start? We’ve got a handy list to help you out!

Why Ask eLearning Feedback Questions?

Why Ask eLearning Feedback Questions?

Creating and selling online courses isn’t a simple job and honest feedback from your learners—your customers—shows you what needs adjusting, whether it’s your content, teaching style, or tech. Sometimes, they’ll point out simple fixes you might’ve missed.

Plus, keeping existing learners is much cheaper than finding new ones. A thoughtful course survey with the right questions can help you grow your revenue and improve your courses.

Pro tip: Selling online courses got easier with AI course creation tools like Coursebox AI. You can turn your ideas into courses within minutes.

eLearning Feedback Questions Examples

eLearning Feedback Questions Examples

Getting feedback is a great way to improve any part of your online course—content, platform, or marketing—and to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) for training and development.

Asking for honest feedback might feel intimidating, especially if you’re new to teaching online. But there’s nothing as valuable as hearing real thoughts from the people taking your course.

To get feedback that helps, avoid general questions that lead to “good job” or “didn’t like it” answers. Instead, ask questions that invite specific responses.

If possible, go beyond a survey and have one-on-one talks with a few learners who completed the online course. Here’s a list of example questions you can customize and include in your eLearning feedback survey:

1. Overall Course Experience

These questions help learners share their general impressions of the course from start to finish. They work well as a starting point and can even help shape future course marketing.

  • Why did you decide to take this course? (Top 2-3 reasons)
  • What part of the course did you enjoy the most?
  • What did you hope to find in the course but didn’t?
  • If you could change one thing, what would it be?
  • What motivated you to complete the course?
  • Who would you recommend this course to?
  • What was the first thing you noticed about this course?
  • Did the course meet your expectations? Why or why not?
  • How would you describe this course to a friend?
  • Were there any moments where you felt especially motivated? What caused this?
  • What’s one word you’d use to sum up your experience?

KPI: Learner Satisfaction Score

Questions like “What did you enjoy most?” or “If you could change one thing, what would it be?” offer insights into the learners’ satisfaction. High satisfaction scores mean learners enjoyed the course, while specific feedback on improvements can pinpoint issues.

KPI: Recommendation Rate

The question “Who would you recommend this course to?” measures how likely learners are to promote the course. A high recommendation rate indicates overall satisfaction and effective marketing alignment.

KPI: Learner Engagement

Responses to “Were there any moments where you felt especially motivated?” provide insights into the elements of the course that resonate most with learners.

the link between feedback and turnover

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2. Course Content Questions

Content is often where the most improvements can be made, so you must ask these questions, especially if your survey needs to stay short. This section should cover content quality, structure, and overall flow.

  • How would you rate the quality of visuals (like images and videos)?
  • How easy was it to understand the main ideas?
  • Which topics could use more depth or details?
  • Did you end up looking up certain topics elsewhere? If so, why?
  • How would you rate the flow and structure of the course?
  • How was the quiz variety and relevance to topics?
  • Did you skip any parts? If so, which ones and why?
  • Were the examples and case studies helpful in understanding the topics?
  • Did the course materials match the difficulty level you expected?
  • Were there any sections you found repetitive? If so, which ones?
  • What additional resources (like links or readings) would you have liked?
  • How did the exercises or activities support your learning?

KPI: Content Quality Score

Questions like “How would you rate the quality of visuals?” and “How was the quiz variety?” reflect content quality. High ratings mean the content met learner expectations, while feedback on specific elements highlights areas for enhancement.

KPI: Content Relevance and Engagement

Asking “Which topics could use more depth?” or “Did you skip any parts?” helps measure how engaging and relevant the content is. If learners skip sections, it may indicate less engaging or irrelevant topics.

KPI: Content Clarity and Appropriateness

Responses to “Did the course materials match the difficulty level you expected?” reveal how well the course aligns with learners’ abilities and expectations.

Pro tip: You can use a course outline generator as well as a course writer to get your creative juices flowing and improve your course content immediately.

3. Learning Outcomes

These questions help evaluate the effectiveness of a training program. While online quizzes can assess some results, these questions dig deeper into what learners really took away.

  • Have you used anything you learned in this course? Why or why not?
  • How confident do you feel in using what you learned?
  • What did you find most useful?
  • Did the course change how you view any topic?
  • Which topic was completely new to you?
  • Do you feel this course prepared you to tackle real-world challenges?
  • What skills from this course do you think you’ll use most often?
  • Was there any topic you found confusing? How could it be made clearer?
  • How has this course helped you grow personally or professionally?
  • What’s one key takeaway you’ll always remember?

KPI: Knowledge Retention and Skill Application

Questions like “Have you applied what you learned?” and “How confident do you feel in using what you learned?” tie to KPIs that measure retention and real-world application. If learners feel confident and apply what they learned, it indicates strong course effectiveness.

KPI: New Knowledge Acquisition

The question “Which topic was new to you?” helps gauge whether the course provides fresh, valuable knowledge. High scores here suggest that the course introduces learners to meaningful new concepts.

KPI: Practical Application of Knowledge

Answers to “Do you feel this course prepared you to tackle real-world challenges?” reflect how learners connect the content to practical use.

4. Interaction with the Course

These questions give insight into how learners connect with the course and each other. They also reveal any barriers learners faced, like time limitations or mobile access issues.

  • Did you connect with other learners (e.g., sharing ideas)? Why or why not?
  • What’s your opinion on the gamification features (like badges or leaderboards)?
  • How did this course fit into your weekly schedule?
  • How would you rate the experience on mobile?
  • Were there moments when you felt frustrated? If yes, why?
  • Did the discussions or comments add value to your learning?
  • How effective were the instructor's responses to your questions?
  • Were there any technical difficulties that disrupted your learning?
  • Did the interactive elements (e.g., quizzes, polls) keep you engaged?
  • Welche Funktion fand du am unterhaltsamsten oder nützlichsten?

KPI: Engagement-Rate

Frage: „Haben Sie Kontakt zu anderen Lernenden aufgenommen?“ hilft dabei, das Engagement zu messen. Eine hohe Engagementrate deutet darauf hin, dass die Lernenden aktiv teilnehmen, was für soziale und kollaborative Lernerfahrungen von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.

KPI: Bewertung der Plattform-Benutzerfreundlichkeit

Die Frage „Wie würdest du das Erlebnis auf dem Handy bewerten?“ spiegelt die Zugänglichkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit der Kursplattform wider. Ein hoher Usability-Wert deutet auf ein reibungsloses Erlebnis auf allen Geräten hin, wodurch Lernbarrieren abgebaut werden.

KPI: Interaktion zwischen Lernenden und Dozenten

Antworten auf „Wie effektiv waren die Antworten des Kursleiters auf Ihre Fragen?“ Beurteilen Sie die Qualität des Engagements und der Reaktionsfähigkeit des Dozenten.

e-training and e-learning implementation


5. Unterstützung nach dem Kurs

Die Unterstützung nach dem Kurs ist genauso wichtig wie der Kurs selbst. Anhand dieser Fragen können Sie verstehen, wie gut sich die Lernenden darauf vorbereitet fühlen, das Gelernte anzuwenden und was sie möglicherweise noch benötigen, um weiter zu wachsen.

  • Möchten Sie Zugriff auf Folgeressourcen oder Unterstützung erhalten?
  • Fühlen Sie sich sicher, mit dem, was Sie gelernt haben, weiterzumachen?
  • Welches zusätzliche Training würde helfen, auf diesem Kurs aufzubauen?
  • Hat der Kurs klare nächste Schritte zur Anwendung Ihres Wissens aufgezeigt?
  • Würden Sie einen anderen Kurs von diesem Anbieter belegen?

KPI: Selbstvertrauen und Bindung der Lernenden

Antworten auf „Fühlen Sie sich sicher, mit dem Gelernten weiterzumachen?“ heben Sie hervor, wie sich der Kurs auf die Stärkung des Selbstbewusstseins und des Interesses der Lernenden an zukünftigen Angeboten auswirkt.

Profi-Tipp: In Interviews können Sie gerne weitere Fragen wie diese stellen. Wählen Sie bei Umfragen 5-6 Fragen aus, je nachdem, was den Kurs am meisten verbessert.

Denken Sie daran, Feedback ist wie ein Geschenk, und gute Fragen machen es wertvoller. Wenn Sie klare, spezifische Fragen stellen, haben die Lernenden die Möglichkeit, Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Inhalte so gut wie möglich zu machen, und verdienen Sie einen passives Einkommen aus dem Online-Verkauf von Kursen für die kommenden Jahre.

eLearning-Feedback-Fragen: Unser Fazit

elearning feedback survey bubbles

eLearning-Feedback-Fragen spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verbesserung Ihrer Online-Kurse und Motivation erwachsener Lernender. Sie geben KMU und Kurserstellern den nötigen Einblick, um hilfreiche und ansprechende Inhalte zu erstellen.

Indem Sie sich auf das Feedback der Lernenden konzentrieren, können Sie sicherstellen, dass virtuelles Training bleibt hochwirksam und entwickelt sich ständig weiter, um ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Ein Ansatz, bei dem Feedback an erster Stelle steht, ist nicht nur intelligent — er ist ein Muss!

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