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Die 10 besten Chatbots für KI-Tutoren

Die 10 besten KI-Chatbot-Tools für Tutoren — siehe die vollständige Liste mit Funktionen, Kosten und vielem mehr im Vergleich.

Die 10 besten Chatbots für KI-Tutoren

Finding a good tutor nowadays can be quite difficult. Sure, we might think that human tutors are best because they can connect with us or our kids on a personal level.

However, sometimes kids and tutors don’t get along, and let’s face it, sometimes those tutors aren’t actually all that knowledgeable on the subjects they claim to be experts in. Plus, when you’re just one person, you can’t possibly be answering questions from students 24/7 and at the same time.

This is where AI Chatbot Tutors come into play, special AI-driven platforms designed to help make learning fast, fun, and easy. Today, we want to take a closer look at the 10 best AI Chatbot Tutor tools available.


What to Look for in an AI Chatbot Tutor Tool

While there are dozens of AI Chatbot Tutor tools out there, if not hundreds, they aren’t all built the same. You have to know what to look out for when selecting an AI Chatbot Tutor tool, and that’s exactly what we’re here to help you with right now.

  • The AI chatbot tutor in question should be able to adapt and change its teaching strategies based on the learner’s knowledge level and skill.
  • The Chatbot Tutor should feature a certain interactive element, to really engage students in the learning process.
  • Many AI tutoring tools come with motivational features that encourage students to learn using a reward system.
  • AI chatbot tutors should allow for personalized learning based on individual needs.
  • The AI Chatbot Tutor in question should have recent, relevant, and correct knowledge.
  • Responses of AI chatbots for learning purposes should be natural and easy to understand.


10 Best AI Chatbot Tutor Tools

Now that you know what you need to look out for when choosing between the different AI Chatbot Tutor tools, let’s take a look at the ten best ones that the market has to offer.


1. Coursebox

Coursebox comes in at number one in terms of the overall best AI Chatbot Tutor tools, and for good reason, because it’s a comprehensive AI-based instructional course creation platform. One of its main features is to take simple files and turn them into comprehensive digital courses. However, a big part of this is the integration of interactive AI tutors and coaches to help students through the lessons.



  • Basic Plan: Free
  • Creator Yearly: $17 Monthly
  • Expert Yearly: $42 Monthly
  • LXP Insanity: $1083 Monthly


2. Juji

Next, we have Juji, a comprehensive AI platform designed specifically for making cognitive assistants, such as for tutoring and coaching purposes. One of the standout features of Juji is its ability to mimic human interactions, therefore allowing it to connect with students for a more personalized and in-depth tutoring experience. Juji’s chatbot’s ability to understand human interns and emotions makes it particularly well suited for AI chatbot tutoring needs.


  • Juji can easily interpret the intent of users
  • Juji can adapt its coaching method to meet the needs of different students
  • Juji allows for various engagement techniques to increase learning potential
  • Tutoring can be done for multiple students simultaneously
  • No coding knowledge required


Juji for Individuals starts at $240 per year


3. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is not only one of the first open language models to exist, but is now also hailed as one of the very best. Its vast database of knowledge makes it an ideal platform for tutoring and learning needs, as the newest version, Turbo, has its database updated to the end of December 2023. It has a number of features that makes it useful as an AI chatbot tutor.


  • ChatGPT has the ability to understand and generate natural language
  • Responses are highly personalized based on the conversation
  • ChatGPT can be used by thousands of students simultaneously
  • This platform is well-versed on a wide variety of topics
  • ChatGPT is able to support a wide variety of languages


There is both a free version and a more functional paid version, ChatGPT4 Plus, available for $20 monthly.


4. Perplexity

Perplexity or Perplexity AI is an interactive AI-powered chatbot and search engine that uses NLP or natural language processing, along with various other features, to provide users with answers to a variety of inquiries. What sets Perplexity apart as a tutor and chatbot is its ability to provide accurate and up-to-date information, along with the citing of sources for verification.  


  • Excellent research capabilities
  • Provides accurate and up-to-date information
  • Simple-to-use Chrome extension
  • Simple functionality with a user-friendly interface
  • Easy ask and answer format
  • Cost

There are both free and paid versions available, with the Pro version being the more functional of the two, coming in at $20 monthly or $400 annually.


5. Khanmigo

Khanmigo is a renowned online tutoring and educational platform that uses the latest cutting-edge AI technology to provide students with educational assistance. This is a GPT-4 powered bot, but designed specifically for educational purposes. It’s designed to not just give students the answers, but to actually learn the subject at hand.


  • Speak to Kahanmigo, and it types back
  • Khanmigo doesn’t just give the answer, but actually helps students learn
  • Khanmigo features a customizable look along with a rewards system to allow for great interactivity
  • This platform is well-versed in a variety of educational fields and subjects


Khanmigo currently costs $4 per month for learners.


6. Duolingo

For those looking to learn a new language, Duolingo is currently one of the most popular online learning platforms in the world. It uses both machine learning and AI elements to provide learners with a comprehensive and interactive learning experience that makes learning a new language both fun and easy.


  • AI-driven algorithms allow Duolingo to learn and adapt to the needs of students
  • Duolingo uses gamification to make lessons more interactive
  • Courses are well-structured to ensure steady progression
  • Duolingo advises students on the proper pronunciation of words, and provides immediate feedback
  • This platform comes complete with listening exercises, tests, and more


  • Free plan
  • Duolingo Super: $12.99 monthly or $59.99 yearly
  • Duolingo Super Family: $119.99 yearly


7. Claude 

One of ChatGPT-4’s biggest competitors, Claude stands out as one of the world’s top rated interactive AI chatbots, one that is ideal for use as a tutoring tool. It features a breadth of knowledge that makes it an ideal tutor, particularly for topics that require extensive time spent tutoring.


  • Excellent conversation history – remembers past conversations
  • Einfache und unkomplizierte Antworten auf Anfragen
  • Claude 2 ermöglicht das Hochladen von Dateien
  • Claude 2 ist hervorragend darin, Informationen zu verdaulichen Inhalten zusammenzufassen


Es gibt eine kostenlose Version (Limit von 25 Nachrichten pro Tag) sowie eine kostenpflichtige Version für 20 US-Dollar pro Monat.


8. Rori

Rising Academies entworfen Rori, ein preisgekrönter Chatbot-Tutor, dessen Schwerpunkt auf dem Mathematiklernen liegt.


  • Funktioniert auf jedem Gerät, das WhatsApp verwendet
  • Freundlich und lustig
  • Interaktiver Mathe-Tutor
  • Personalisierte Erfahrung, die auf die Bedürfnisse der Schüler zugeschnitten ist




9. Nachhilfelehrer Ocean

Nachhilfelehrer Ocean ist eine spezielle Lern- und Nachhilfeplattform, die die fortschrittlichste bahnbrechende KI nutzt, um Schülern zu helfen, schnell und einfach zu lernen. Tutor Ocean antwortet immer, egal zu welcher Tageszeit, und es ist in der Lage, Schülern bei praktisch jedem Thema zu helfen.


  • TutorOcean ist in der Lage, sich an die einzigartigen Lernstile und das Tempo der Schüler anzupassen
  • Diese Plattform ist in der Lage, jedes Fach auf jedem schwierigen Niveau zu unterrichten
  • TutorOcean steht rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung
  • TutorOcean kann bei Bedarf menschliche Nachhilfe anbieten
  • Fähigkeit, Tests und personalisierte Unterrichtspläne zu erstellen


AI Tutor von TutorOcean ist derzeit kostenlos erhältlich


10. KI-Tutor Pro

KI-Tutor Pro ist ein großartiges Tool zum Aufbau von Wissen und Fähigkeiten, mit dem alle, einschließlich der Schüler, auf ihr Wissen getestet werden können. Es ist ein einfaches, aber effektives Tool mit zwei Hauptfunktionen, die es ideal für Schüler machen, die ihr Allgemeinwissen zu einem Thema erweitern müssen.


  • Stellen Sie AI Tutor Pro Fragen und es antwortet mit genauen Details
  • Bitten Sie AI Tutor Pro, Ihr Wissen zu einem Thema zu testen, und es wird Ihnen Fragen stellen
  • Entscheiden Sie, mit welchem Schwierigkeitsgrad Ihnen die Informationen und Fragen präsentiert werden
  • Einfaches Frage-Antwort-Format


AI Tutor Pro ist derzeit kostenlos erhältlich.


Die 10 besten KI-Chatbot-Tools für Tutoren — Letzte Gedanken

Nachdem wir die zehn besten KI-Chatbot-Tools für Tutoren untersucht haben, können Sie das auswählen, das Ihren Bedürfnissen am besten entspricht. Denken Sie daran, dass einige zwar raffinierter sind, während es sich bei anderen um allgemeinere Chatbots handelt, sie jedoch alle auf ihre eigene Art für Lernzwecke nützlich sind.

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