Was ist Agiles Instruktionsdesign? Vorteile und Beispiele
Ist die agile Methodik auf das Unterrichtsdesign anwendbar? Lesen Sie jetzt, um einige außergewöhnliche Vorteile und Beispiele für agiles Unterrichtsdesign zu entdecken.
Ist die agile Methodik auf das Unterrichtsdesign anwendbar? Lesen Sie jetzt, um einige außergewöhnliche Vorteile und Beispiele für agiles Unterrichtsdesign zu entdecken.
Meta Description: Is agile methodology applicable to instructional design? Read now to explore some exceptional benefits and examples of agile instructional design.
Digital.ai's 16th State of Agile report revealed that business leaders across industries use Agile methodology in business operations. The same approach can also be applied to instructional design.
Agile instructional design is an iterative and collaborative approach that makes learning more efficient and engaging. Considering the need for continuous learning in today's business landscapes, this design methodology can be quite effective.
LinkedIn research found that by 2027, skills that people need to stay proficient in their jobs will change by 50%.
So, it's imperative to stay on top of your skills and professional development. You don't want your teams to be left behind as the industry evolves and job requirements change. Let's learn about Agile instructional design and its benefits for your organization.
Agile instructional design is a learner-centric approach to designing learning experiences. It stems from the 2001 Agile Manifesto adopted by software developers, based on 12 principles that allow iterative and continuous improvement.
In simple words, Agile is a system in which all stakeholders come together and work collaboratively towards a common goal: developing engaging and effective learning experiences. In instructional design, these stakeholders are:
One of the core values of this instructional design is a focus on interpersonal relations. Basically, the medium of instruction is mediated through relationships rather than passive learning experiences.
As for the learning material, it is professional, personal, and technical. Instead of letting the learners manage on their own, the instructional designers and subject matter experts (SMEs) provide support.
Agile learning design isn't a linear process. It's not as simple as creating a course and then delivering it to the learners.
In fact, the process is cyclical and iterative, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation based on learner feedback. It begins with a plan followed by orientation.
Next comes course design. This is followed by a review or evaluation phase, and then the course is delivered to the learners. If there's an iteration (and there often is), the process goes to the design phase again.
After that, it goes through selection, prototyping, and review. If needed, a new plan may be created and orientated with the stakeholders before moving back into the design phase.
There's quite a lot of diversity in the interpretation and application of Agile learning design. Over the years, L&D experts have developed various models and frameworks to support the implementation of this approach.
Here are some examples.
Allen Interactions devised the Successive Approximation Model (SAM) for its clients to overcome the limitations of traditional, linear instructional design models. The basis of this model is rapid prototyping, where a small prototype is created first, then reviewed and revised before moving forward.
The process continues until the final product meets the stakeholders' satisfaction. SAM has three phases:
Key stakeholders and SMEs provide feedback at each iteration, which is incorporated into successive iterations to ensure quick improvements and corrections.
Conrad Gottfredson, a learning strategist, developed the AGILE approach to e-learning design in the mid-2000s. The acronym represents the five steps in the process.
Rapid Content Development (RCD) is an instructional design method that focuses on creating e-learning content quickly and efficiently. The process involves the use of rapid authoring tools, templates, and already-existing content to streamline the design and development process.
The crux of this model is its 4 Rs:
The role of AI in corporate training facilitates rapid content development by automating tasks such as converting audio to text, creating PowerPoint presentations, creating quizzes and assessments, and generating personalized learning paths.
For example, Coursebox's AI-generated training videos can speed up the content development process. You can convert files and documents to videos in minutes, saving time and resources typically spent on video production. Since it supports over 60 languages, you can even create learning material for your remote employees in no time.
Similarly, Coursebox's AI curriculum generator helps you create a learning plan for your team in just 10 minutes. All you have to do is feed it videos, slide decks, and PDFs. It will then generate quizzes, assessments, written content, and assignments for each module.
A lot like Agile management approach, commonly known as LLAMA, is another Agile learning design that Megan Torrance created for her company. Like other examples of Agile learning, LLAMA also emphasizes iteration.
Unlike the traditional ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model, which has a linear process, LLAMA involves review and assessment along the way. As a result, the learning design can quickly adapt to changing business needs.
The implementation of Agile learning design has several benefits for a business. Here are some of them:
The Agile approach has been around for over two decades, but organizations still face some challenges in its implementation. Here's how to resolve some common challenges.
Mitarbeiter haben in der Regel die Einstellung „Wenn es nicht kaputt ist, reparieren Sie es nicht“, wenn es um ihre Arbeitsgewohnheiten geht. Sie sind möglicherweise gegen die Einführung eines neuen Modells der Unterrichtsgestaltung resistent, da sie an den traditionellen Ansatz gewöhnt sind.
Lösung: Bieten Sie den Mitarbeitern umfassende Schulungen und Schulungen zur Agile-Methodik an. Erklären Sie, wie sie davon profitieren und ihre Arbeit effizienter gestalten können.
Die Häufigkeit von Iterationen in Agile erfordert den Einsatz bestimmter Tools und Software, um Aufgaben zu verwalten und den Fortschritt zu verfolgen. Organisationen verfügen jedoch möglicherweise nicht über diese Tools. Die Interessengruppen sehen möglicherweise auch keinen Wert darin, in sie zu investieren.
Lösung: Investieren Sie bei der Implementierung von Agile Learning nach gründlicher Recherche in die erforderlichen Tools. Zum Beispiel kann Coursebox die Inhaltsentwicklung im RCD-Modell beschleunigen. Seine KI-Funktionalität kann Automatisieren Sie Schulungen und Verwaltungsaufgaben, wie z. B. die Gestaltung von Lehrplänen und die Erstellung von Videos.
Je nach Größe Ihres Unternehmens kann es schwierig sein, alle Teams auf den gleichen Stand zu bringen. Da Agile nicht dem traditionellen Top-down-Ansatz folgt, muss jedes Teammitglied in den Prozess einbezogen werden.
Lösung: Investieren Sie in ein agiles Kollaborationstool, das allen hilft, organisiert zu bleiben und über die Fortschritte der einzelnen Teams auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.
Es ist nicht zu leugnen, dass der agile Ansatz zur Unterrichtsgestaltung dazu beitragen kann, Lernmaterial zu erstellen, das Sie an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpasst. Entwicklungspläne für Mitarbeiter zur Entfaltung. Das kontinuierliche Prüf- und Feedbacksystem ermöglicht die Erstellung von Kursen, die nicht nur relevant sind, sondern auch auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Schwächen Ihrer Mitarbeiter eingehen.
Basierend auf dieser Methode können Sie das Schulungsmaterial für Ihre Mitarbeiter stärker auf die Lernenden ausrichten, sodass es die besten Ergebnisse liefert. Nutzen Sie die Erkenntnisse von oben, um potenzielle Hindernisse zu vermeiden und das Beste aus Ihrem agilen Prozess der Unterrichtsgestaltung herauszuholen.