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Convert HTML to SCORM Quickly & Easily

You can easily convert HTML to SCORM manually or using authoring tools like Coursebox AI. Discover step-by-step guidance, pro tips, and how Coursebox AI can simplify the process for you!

Convert HTML to SCORM Quickly & Easily

If you have a lot of learning materials in HTML and want to upload them to your LMS, you’ll need to convert them into SCORM. SCORM gives your content the ability to track progress and improve the learning experience.

If you don’t know how to convert HTML to SCORM, this article is for you. We’ll explain how to do the conversion manually or with the help of eLearning authoring tools, which is not exactly a conversion since it still stays in HTML format.

However, with added features like progress tracking and LMS compatibility, you’ll be able to upload it to platforms like Coursebox AI. Let’s get started!

What is SCORM and Why Does it Matter?

what is scorm

Before we get into how to convert HTML to SCORM, let’s quickly go over why SCORM is important. In short, SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a set of rules that help online learning courses work smoothly across different LMSs. It makes sure that content can be shared and reused easily without any compatibility issues.

For businesses and educators using e-learning, SCORM is a game-changer. It ensures that courses integrate well with LMS platforms and that learners can access them from any device, anywhere. Now, let’s learn how to convert HTML to SCORM manually and automatically.

How to Convert HTML to SCORM Manually

learning designer working on computer

Converting plain HTML into SCORM packages (SCO) might sound tricky, but it's pretty straightforward, especially if you’re familiar with the course structure.

While the official SCORM website offers a detailed guide for developers, you can also start by downloading a sample SCO and learn as you go. To make things easier, it’s best to choose a single SCO option for SCORM 1.2 at first. Once you have the basics, you can quickly integrate your HTML content into a SCORM-compliant course.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Right-click on the downloaded zip file and select "Extract All." Then go to the folder where the file was extracted.
  2. Open the "res" folder and replace the existing index.html file with your HTML file. Make sure to rename it to index.html as well.
  3. Navigate one folder up and open the imsmanifest.xml file with a text editor like Notepad++ or Brackets.
  4. Change both <title> tags to the name of your course (e.g., "SCORM Course").
  5. List all the resources your HTML page uses (like images, videos, etc.) in the XML file.
  6. Zip the entire course folder (including the manifest file) by selecting all the files, right-clicking, and choosing "Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder."
  7. Name the zip file something unique and descriptive, and it’s ready for upload.
  8. Test your course in SCORM Cloud or upload it directly to your LMS.
  9. Once you’ve done this, your custom HTML page should work just fine in SCORM Cloud.
  10. If you're still looking for a SCORM LMS, give Coursebox AI a try—it offers easy SCORM integration and other helpful features.

Convert HTML to SCORM Using Coursebox AI

Ai for html to scorm conversion

Converting HTML to SCORM manually is just as easy as converting MP4 to SCORM. However, it can be time-consuming and may not provide all the reporting features you need.

If you're looking to add interactive elements like quizzes or games to your HTML content, you may have to hire developers to integrate everything into personalized learning platforms or your corporate LMS.

But if you don’t have the budget for developers, there’s a more affordable way, such as the following:

Break down your HTML into PowerPoint slides and use a free LMS to turn everything into a SCORM-compliant package. This method will save you time and effort, making it ready for upload to your LMS in no time.

Coursebox AI, one of the best AI tools for making lesson plan slides, has a user-friendly interface that lets you work directly with PowerPoint slides, adding quizzes, videos, interactions, and more.

Plus, you don’t always need PowerPoint—if you’re working with HTML, you can simply upload your content to Coursebox AI, and it’ll automatically convert it into a SCORM course.

To get started, you’ll need to copy and paste the text, images, and videos from your HTML into PowerPoint. Feel free to use all the PowerPoint effects and animations, as they’ll be translated perfectly into HTML when converted with Coursebox AI.

If your content includes quizzes, recreate them using our AI quiz generator.

Now, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using authoring tools to convert HTML to SCORM:


  • No need to hire developers, saving you money
  • Easy-to-use interface saves time compared to learning SCORM manually
  • Detailed progress tracking for course completion
  • PowerPoint-based course creation that’s familiar and comfortable
  • Includes AI features like the quiz generator and tools for adding audio, video, and more


  • Some copying and pasting required
  • PowerPoint has limitations—certain things might not be possible
  • The cost of an authoring tool is a factor, but it’s much cheaper than hiring a development team

Ready to transform your HTML into SCORM? Create a free account with Coursebox AI and start experimenting with generating SCORM packages from your HTML content.

Converting HTML to SCORM: Final Tips

Before you start converting HTML to SCORM, keep these tips in mind:

  • Organize your content: Ensure your course content is structured in a way that a learning management system can easily track. This includes adding clear navigation and tracking features to your HTML content.
  • Interactive elements: Think about how assessments and interactive components like quizzes or games will be handled during the conversion. For this, specialized software like Coursebox AI is essential for smooth integration.
  • Test the SCORM package: Once the conversion is done, make sure the SCORM package functions properly in your LMS and is easy for learners to access.

If you have any questions or want more info, feel free to contact us!


How to convert an HTML file to SCORM?

You can convert HTML to SCORM by structuring the HTML content with necessary tracking features and using a well-known authoring tool like Coursebox AI to create a SCORM-compliant package.

How do I convert to SCORM format?

To convert to SCORM, you need to either manually package your HTML content into SCORM format or use Coursebox AI, one of the best authoring tools, to automatically convert your content and integrate interactive elements like quizzes.

How to use SCORM in HTML?

To use SCORM in HTML, you’ll need to add SCORM tracking elements to your HTML content. This ensures that the LMS can track learners’ progress and completion. You can achieve this using a user-friendly authoring tool like Coursebox AI for a simple and efficient conversion.

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