What Is Agile Instructional Design? Benefits and Examples
Is agile methodology applicable to instructional design? Read now to explore some exceptional benefits and examples of agile instructional design.
Is agile methodology applicable to instructional design? Read now to explore some exceptional benefits and examples of agile instructional design.
元描述: 敏捷方法适用于教学设计吗?立即阅读,探索敏捷教学设计的一些特殊优势和示例。
Digital.ai 的第 16 份敏捷现状报告 透露各行各业的商业领袖在业务运营中使用敏捷方法。同样的方法也可以应用于教学设计。
领英研究 发现,到2027年,人们保持精通工作所需的技能将发生50%的变化。
敏捷教学设计是一种以学习者为中心的学习体验设计方法。它源自软件开发人员通过的 2001 年敏捷宣言,该宣言基于允许迭代和持续改进的 12 项原则。
该过程一直持续到最终产品满足利益相关者满意为止。SAM 分为三个阶段:
这个模型的症结在于它的 4 R:
的作用 企业培训中的人工智能 通过自动执行任务(例如将音频转换为文本、创建 PowerPoint 演示文稿、创建测验和评估以及生成个性化设置)来促进内容的快速开发 学习路径。
例如, Coursebox 的 AI 生成的培训视频 可以加快内容开发过程。您可以在几分钟内将文件和文档转换为视频,从而节省通常花费在视频制作上的时间和资源。由于它支持 60 多种语言,您甚至可以立即为远程员工创建学习材料。
同样, Coursebox 的 AI 课程生成器 帮助你在短短 10 分钟内为团队制定学习计划。你所要做的就是向它提供视频、幻灯片和 PDF。然后,它将为每个模块生成测验、评估、书面内容和作业。
就像敏捷管理方法(俗称LLAMA)一样,是另一种敏捷学习设计 梅根·托兰斯为她的公司创作。像其他敏捷学习的例子一样,LLAMA也强调迭代。
Employees typically have an ''if it's not broken, don't fix it'' attitude when it comes to their work habits. They may be resistant to adopting a new model of instructional design since they are used to the traditional approach.
Solution: Provide ample training and education to the employees about Agile methodology. Explain how it can benefit them and make their work more efficient.
The frequency of iterations in Agile requires the use of specific tools and software to manage tasks and track progress. However, organizations may not have these tools. The stakeholders may also not see any value in investing in them.
Solution: When implementing Agile learning, invest in the required tools after thorough research. For example, Coursebox can accelerate content development in the RCD model. Its AI functionality can automate training administrative tasks, such as curriculum design and video creation.
Depending on the size of your organization, it can be tricky to bring all teams on the same page. Since Agile doesn't follow the traditional top-down approach, every team member needs to be involved in the process.
Solution: Invest in an Agile-friendly collaboration tool that helps everyone stay organized and updated on the progress of each team.
There's no denying that the Agile approach to instructional design can help create learning material to bring your employee development plans to fruition. The continuous check and feedback system allows for the creation of courses that are not only relevant but also address your employees' unique needs and weaknesses.
Based on this methodology, you can make your employee training material more learner-centric so that it delivers the best results. Use the insights from above to avoid potential roadblocks and make the most out of your Agile instructional design process.