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Personas de alunos: por que elas são importantes e como criá-las com sucesso

As personalidades dos alunos desempenham um papel crucial na criação de aulas personalizadas. Eles podem ajudar os educadores a criar conteúdo de aprendizagem que atenda às necessidades de seus alunos, resultando em melhores experiências e comunicação clara.

Personas de alunos: por que elas são importantes e como criá-las com sucesso

Poor instructional design wastes resources. Luckily, you can fix this by understanding your learners. That’s where learner personas step in and help educators design courses that focus on real learners and their needs.

More specifically, learner personas highlight what learners prefer, what motivates them, and where they face challenges. In other words, with well-crafted learner personas, you will know what works and what doesn’t for your learners. This results in more effective training.

Without further ado, let’s explore the importance of learner personas and learn how to create learner personas.

What is a Learner Persona?

What is a Learner Persona?

Have you ever seen a promotion that felt like it was made for you? That’s the power of consumer personas.

Marketers create these profiles to represent their target audience, helping them connect on a more personal level. Like customers, learners want to feel understood. That’s why educators create learner-centered training based on learner personas.

Think of learner personas as fictional profiles of your learners, which include important details like demographics, learning styles, job responsibilities, education, skill levels, and preferred learning management systems.

Why Learner Personas Matter?

graphic making more money and improving performance

Learner personas can help educators connect with their learners. Here's why they matter:

They Reveal Learner Habits

Personas help you learn about your audience. You’ll discover what they struggle with and what motivates them. This makes it easier to create training that feels relevant and keeps them engaged.

They Provide Consistency

Personas keep your team on the same page. Everyone works with the same understanding of the learners. This leads to a consistent learning experience that meets learner needs.

They Improve Learning Programs

Using personas makes training much more effective. You can create and sell online courses that focus on learners’ goals and challenges. It also helps you tweak content as their needs change, keeping it fresh and relevant.

They Build Empathy

Personas help you see the world through your learners’ eyes. This creates more thoughtful and relatable training. When learners feel understood, they engage better with the content.

training is more effective with empathy

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They Reduce Cognitive Overload

Too much information can cause cognitive overload. Personas let you focus on what matters. This keeps training simple and easier to follow, helping learners stay focused.

They Align with Business Goals

Personas bridge the gap between training and business needs. They make sure your program helps employees learn the skills they need to succeed in their roles.

They Support Accessibility

Personas highlight accessibility needs from the start. By addressing these, you can create training that works for everyone. This improves outcomes for a diverse audience.

They Spark Innovation

Personas encourage fresh ideas. When you understand your learners better, you’ll explore creative ways to make training more engaging and effective.

How Many Learner Personas to Create?

learner personas graphic

You usually need between one and four learner personas. However, the exact number depends on your team size and project.

If your organization is small, one or two personas might be enough. Smaller teams often share similar traits, making it easier to group them.

For small projects or a limited audience, one or two personas work well. They can cover the main needs without adding too much complexity.

Larger organizations or diverse groups may need more. Three, four, or even five personas can help capture different learner needs.

NOTE: Pay close attention to your research. As you study your audience, patterns will show how many personas make sense. Most teams stick to three or four. Going beyond six can get tricky and hard to manage. Keep it simple and focused.

How to Create Learner Personas

creating learner personas

To create a learner persona successfully, follow these steps:

1. Collect Data

Start by gathering as much information as you can about your learners. This step is the key to making realistic and relevant personas.

Use a mix of quantitative data (like age, gender, location, job roles, and preferred devices) and qualitative insights (like motivations, challenges, and frustrations).

Your AI-powered LMS or surveys can provide useful stats.

For a deeper understanding, try interviews, focus groups, or observing how learners engage with training. Studies suggest that combining these methods helps uncover learners' needs and skill gaps.

You don’t need to interview everyone—just a representative sample. If you can’t meet learners directly, talking to managers works too. The goal is to base your personas on real data, not guesses.

2. Analyze Information

Once you have your data, look for patterns. What traits, habits, or challenges show up repeatedly? Use these insights to build a profile of your typical learner.

This step can take time but is essential. Tools like word cloud generators or text comparison software can speed up the process by helping you visualize trends. Focus on the traits and behaviors that will guide your training decisions.

3. Design Your Personas

Now it's time to create a detailed profile. Give your persona a name and imagine them as a real person.

Include details like their:

  • Age group
  • Job role and experience level
  • Key skills and skill gaps
  • Training goals and challenges
  • Attitudes toward learning

Don’t forget to explore their preferences, like whether they prefer online courses or interactive tools. Studies suggest tailoring learning to these traits using personalized learning platforms improves engagement.

To make it relatable, add a visual element. You can create a digital avatar or use a real photo (with permission). Seeing the persona as a person helps you design better content.

Extra Tips

Share your personas with your team and use them to shape your training. Personas should guide every decision, from setting learning goals to choosing delivery methods.

Ask questions like:

  • Does this content meet their goals?
  • Is the tone and jargon easy for them to understand?
  • Will this training fit their schedule and preferences?

Research shows that using personas makes training more relevant, helping learners stay engaged and motivated.

How to Use Learner Personas

different types of workers

Creating learner personas is just the start. The real value comes when you put them to work to design learner-focused training. Let’s explore how to adapt your L&D strategies using these personas.

1. Tailoring Instructional Design

Your personas should guide how you create training content. Each learner has unique preferences for how they consume and engage with content.

For example:

Decide when to push content (send directly to learners) and when to let them pull content (let learners choose what to explore).

Some personas may prefer concise microlearning or quick video clips, while others might benefit from detailed case studies or demonstrations.

Mobile-friendly strategies and mobile learning apps work well for learners who prefer to study on the go.

By focusing on their training goals, challenges, and attitudes, you’ll design content that resonates and meets their needs.

2. Leveraging Gamification

eLearning gamification adds game-like elements to make learning more engaging. Different personas respond to gamification in unique ways.

For example:

Financially motivated learners might enjoy earning virtual points that can be redeemed for real-world rewards.

Recognition-driven learners may thrive with leaderboards, where their achievements are publicly celebrated.

Use os motivadores de suas personas para decidir como e quando gamificar seu treinamento.

key benefits of gamification in education

Crédito da imagem:

3. Apoiando a aprendizagem social

Aprendizagem social por meio ferramentas de aprendizagem socioemocional incentiva os alunos a compartilhar conhecimento e criar conexões. Suas personas ajudarão você a criar a abordagem correta de aprendizado social.

Por exemplo:

Pessoas extrovertidas ou sociais provavelmente gostarão de atividades em grupo, fóruns ou recursos como clubes e feeds sociais.

Combine o aprendizado social com a gamificação, recompensando as conquistas do grupo com distintivos ou pontos.

Se suas personas têm mídias sociais, é mais provável que elas aproveitem e se envolvam em plataformas de aprendizado social.

BÔNUS: Criando um significado épico

O significado épico consiste em explorar o senso de propósito dos alunos. É a crença de que suas ações contribuem para algo maior.

Para comunicar o valor do treinamento de forma eficaz:

  • Responda “O que eu ganho com isso?” para cada persona.
  • Para alunos com pouco tempo, enfatize o quão rápido e acessível é o treinamento.
  • Para quem busca reconhecimento, destaque como o treinamento pode impulsionar suas conquistas.
  • Para pessoas com motivação financeira, concentre-se em melhorias de desempenho e possíveis recompensas.

Ao alinhar seus benefícios às metas e desafios dos alunos, você os manterá engajados e inspirados.

Personas de alunos: dicas finais

Learner Personas system/

Criar personalidades de alunos pode parecer uma grande tarefa, mas é um divisor de águas para personalizar experiências de aprendizado eficazes. Aqui está uma rápida recapitulação das principais dicas que você deve ter em mente:


  • Comece com um modelo para simplificar suas primeiras tentativas.
  • Concentre-se em dados reais, não em estereótipos, e atenha-se às informações relevantes para economizar tempo.

Criando personas:

  • Escolha de 2 a 5 pessoas, mas deixe seus dados guiarem o número exato.
  • Garanta que cada persona seja distinta, abrangendo diversas idades, funções e origens.
  • Mantenha uma a duas páginas, concentrando-se em metas, comportamentos e necessidades, em vez de detalhes pessoais excessivos.
  • Evite sobreposições — suas personas devem representar diferentes grupos de alunos.

Usando personas:

  • Valide-os com as partes interessadas antes da implementação.
  • Consulte-os de forma consistente em todo o seu programa de treinamento.
  • Trate-os como pessoas reais para criar empatia e garantir que suas decisões estejam alinhadas com as necessidades deles.
  • Revise e atualize regularmente as personas para mantê-las precisas e relevantes.

Ao dedicar um tempo para criar e usar personalidades de alunos de forma eficaz, você pode criar um treinamento que realmente ressoe. Essas personas ajudam você a entender as motivações, os desafios e as preferências de seus alunos, o que se traduz em experiências de aprendizado mais envolventes e impactantes.

Então, você conhece bem o seu público? É hora de descobrir!

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