AIツールの助けを借りて、授業計画スライドの作成がはるかに簡単になりました。授業計画のスライドを作成したり、授業を強化したりするのに最適な AI をわずか数分で探すことができます。
AIツールの助けを借りて、授業計画スライドの作成がはるかに簡単になりました。授業計画のスライドを作成したり、授業を強化したりするのに最適な AI をわずか数分で探すことができます。
Teaching is a profession that requires patience and understanding but also creativity. However, planning out your presentations can become too much at times, especially if you lack inspiration. That’s where AI steps in and saves you time and headaches while making your teaching more engaging and interactive.
Once you experience the benefits of AI in teaching, you never go back, which is why many teachers have been using AI tools for planning their lessons. In this article, we’ll review some of the best AI for making lesson plan slides. Let’s get started!
Absolutely! AI tools can do almost anything these days, including writing lesson plans to make teaching easier for educators. Here’s exactly what AI can do for you as a teacher:
Design slides
Teachers have a lot on their mind and their plate. They’re constantly busy and creating lesson plan slides from scratch can seem like a struggle at times. That’s where AI tools can help by creating individual slides or even entire presentations in just minutes. This gives teachers more time to focus on their students and their progress.
Inspire you!
As we already mentioned, creativity plays a big role in teaching. However, sometimes, you just don’t know where to start because you’re tired or overworked. AI tools can help inspire you by providing various ideas and suggestions for your lesson plan slides. Just pick the ones you like the best and customize them to your liking.
Embellish your lesson plan slides
We live in a digital world and it’s getting harder to keep learners engaged with simple presentations. Their brain is used to constant stimulation. Therefore, you must create visually appealing and interactive lesson plan slides that will captivate them.
The best part? You don’t have to do it all on your own. AI tools provide many elements you can use in your presentations, such as images, templates, videos, etc.
Customize the learning experience
Not everyone has the same learning style and can learn at the same pace. This makes the job of teachers that much harder because they must adjust their teaching based on the needs of their students.
AI tools can help with this, too! They can automatically add subtitles, generate quizzes, translate text, etc. These features can make your lessons more accessible and enhance the benefits of online learning.
If you’re looking for AI tools that can help you make visually appealing presentations in record time, look no further than our list of options.
The tools listed below can help you save time, generate new ideas, and craft attention-grabbing lessons. Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at some of the best AI for making lesson plan slides.
Coursebox AI is the best free AI lesson plan generator for teachers who want to create lesson plans and slides with ease. It organizes topics and sub-topics based on what you need, which makes planning faster and easier.
With Coursebox, you get draft content for lessons, plus quizzes and interactive tasks to make learning fun. It even suggests images, videos, and flashcards for more engaging slides. The tool is simple to use, and you can save your work in different formats or use it right away for presentations.
One of the best parts is that Coursebox connects with Canva and Google Slides, so if you already have slides, you can add them without any problem. It’s also the best free LMS on the market, making it a versatile, budget-friendly option for teachers.
You can also create and sell online courses and earn a passive income.
While Coursebox is mostly for online courses, it can still be a huge help for teachers in any setting. The AI lesson planner makes lessons easier to create and more engaging for students.
This user-friendly AI presentation maker is perfect for making great-looking slides without spending a lot of time. It’s one of the best AI tools for teachers that you can use even if you don’t know much about design.
With Magic Design, you can type in your topic, like "The Solar System" or "The American Revolution," and AI suggests slide templates, colors, and fonts that match your lesson.
For content, AI can help you fill the slides by suggesting text, images, and layouts, so it’s like having a helper by your side.
If you need special images, the AI Image Generator lets you type in what you need, like "plant cell" or "historical figure," and it creates a unique image for you.
Overall, Canva AI makes lesson slides easy, fast, and more engaging for students.
Google Slides is a favorite tool for teachers, and now it’s even better with AI features.
With add-ons, you can add extra tools to Google Slides. These can help you create content, shorten long texts, and even add quizzes right into your slides.
Voice typing lets you add text just by speaking, which is great if you don’t want to type everything. You can also transcribe audio, which makes lessons easier for students who learn by listening.
Google’s image search is built into Slides, so you can find images without leaving the app.
For example, if you’re teaching about poems, you can use some of the add-ons to make a poetry quiz. Students can read poems on one slide and answer questions on the next.
Google Slides with AI makes lesson planning easy and fun.
Simplified is a helpful tool with lots of features for making presentations, social media posts, and other content. The AI presentation generator is perfect if you’re in a hurry. Just type in your topic and main points, and it’ll create a complete presentation with images and text for you.
You can also choose from tons of templates that fit different themes and subjects. These make it easy to create a great-looking presentation in minutes.
Collaboration is simple too. You can work with other teachers on the same presentation in real-time, making it easy to share ideas and edit together. In conclusion, Simplified is a great tool for quick, engaging presentations.
Magic School AI is a handy tool for teachers, with features that make lesson planning and personalizing learning easier.
The lesson planner helps create detailed, standards-aligned plans. Just enter the grade, topic, and goals, and Magic School AI will build a lesson plan for you, saving time and keeping lessons on track.
Magic School AI has tools that create customized learning plans for IEPs and differentiated instruction. It offers templates and tips for accommodations, making it easier to support students with special needs.
Magic School AI also integrates with Google Classroom, letting teachers easily share lesson plans and assignments, with no extra steps.
Student tools include a user-friendly AI presentation maker and interactive activities, which make learning fun and give students hands-on experience with AI.
Overall, Magic School AI is a great tool for making teaching easier, saving time, and supporting all types of students.
Auto Classmate is a user-friendly AI tool that helps teachers create lesson plans that fit the needs of their classroom.
It ensures lessons align with state standards while also being flexible enough to meet the unique needs of each student. For example, when planning a creative writing unit, Auto Classmate offers a framework that can be easily adjusted to match students’ interests and abilities.
Auto Classmate helps teachers create both organized and interactive lessons, making teaching more inspiring and keeping students engaged.
ChatGPT is a helpful AI tool for teachers, especially when creating lesson plan slides. With the latest update, it brings together many features that make teaching easier and more efficient.
With ChatGPT, teachers can quickly create lesson plans, check student essays, and even generate ideas for lesson visuals—all in one place. For lesson slides, this popular AI lesson plan generator is excellent. Chat GPT can suggest content, create slide text, and recommend images or activities. The more you experiment with different ChatGPT prompts、結果をよりパーソナライズできます。
全体として、 チャットGPTの未来 とても明るいです!これは単に時間の節約になるだけではありません。教師が自分の指導目標に合った、魅力的でよく構成されたレッスンスライドを作成するのに役立ちます。
Lessonplans.ai 教師が質の高い授業計画を迅速に作成するのに役立ちます。このツールは計画プロセスを簡単かつ効率的にします。
Lessonplans.ai を使用して授業計画をパーソナライズするのは簡単で、教師は自分のスタイルに合わせて調整できます。全体的に見て、この無料の AI 授業計画作成ツールは時間の節約になり、教師は計画ではなく指導に集中できるようになります。
チョーキー 教師が作るのに役立ちます インタラクティブ e ラーニングモジュール そしてすぐにレッスン。作成した教材から始めることも、ファイルやウェブサイトなどの既存の教材を使用することもできます。重要な事実、語彙、画像をスライドに追加して、時間を無駄にすることなくレッスンをより魅力的なものにします。
プレジ プレゼンテーションをインタラクティブで魅力的なものにします。新しい AI 機能を使うと、よりダイナミックに感じられるレッスンを作成できます。
Preziでは、まっすぐな道をたどる代わりに、細部を拡大してコンテンツ内を移動できるので、よりエキサイティングになります。AI は、講義ではなく、会話のように感じられる方法でコンテンツを整理します。
生徒の興味を引き付けるために、ズームや動きなどのエフェクトが組み込まれたデザイン済みの授業計画テンプレートを選択できます。Prezi には、スライドの見栄えを良くするためのアイコン、画像、動画の豊富なライブラリも用意されています。
適切なツールがあれば、時間を節約し、より良いレッスンを作成し、学習をより楽しくすることができます。退屈な作業は AI が処理するので、教師は最も重要なこと、つまり教えることに集中できます。
授業計画やスライド作成を簡単にするために、 コースボックス AI 素晴らしい選択です。教師がインタラクティブな授業を迅速かつ簡単に行うのに役立ちます。教師もできます。 デモを予約 それがどのように機能するか見てみるために。一番いいところは?オンラインコースを販売することもできます。もし知っていれば オンラインコースを作成して販売する方法、コースボックスAIはあなたのためのプラットフォームです!
その他のタスクについては、Prezi は楽しくダイナミックなプレゼンテーションに最適で、Chalkie.ai はインタラクティブなレッスンの作成に役立ち、Magic School AI は教育のカスタマイズに最適です。それぞれの AI ツールには特別な機能があり、授業をより簡単かつ効果的にしてくれます。
LessonPlans.ai は授業計画を立てるのに最適なオプションの 1 つです。これにより、教師は標準に沿った詳細で質の高い計画をすばやく作成できます。このツールはシンプルで、教師は自分のスタイルや生徒のニーズに合わせてレッスンをカスタマイズできるため、時間と労力を節約できます。
コースボックスAIはレッスンスライドを作成するのに最適です。教師は、クイズや動画などの役立つコンテンツを含むインタラクティブで魅力的なスライドを簡単にデザインできます。ほとんどの作業は AI が行うため、教師は生徒にとって興味深く効果的な授業を行うことに集中できます。これもその一つです。 最高のAIスライドデッキジェネレーター プレゼンテーションの能力を高めたい教育者向けです。
PreziはPPTの作成で際立っています。教師が詳細を確認したり、トピック間を移動したりできるので、プレゼンテーションはダイナミックでインタラクティブなものになります。Prezi の AI はスライドを最適な順序で整理するのに役立ち、プレゼンテーションは講義というよりは会話のように感じられます。