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7 migliori sistemi di valutazione automatizzati per una valutazione senza sforzo

I migliori sistemi di classificazione automatizzati ti salvano dalle grinfie dell'inchiostro rosso infinito e delle notti insonni. Esplora i 7 migliori strumenti qui sotto per scegliere la tua opzione.

7 migliori sistemi di valutazione automatizzati per una valutazione senza sforzo

Grading assignments can feel like a never-ending chore. You start off with good intentions, but hours later, you’re swimming in a sea of papers, trying to decipher handwriting and pointing out errors. 

On average, teachers spend about 5 hours just grading during the workweek. 

It’s the time that could rather be spent teaching, brainstorming new ideas, or, you know, having a life outside of work. 

Thankfully, the best automated grading systems let you breeze through evaluations without losing your mind (and energy). These smart tools take the drudgery out of grading and return you those lost hours. 

This guide explores more about these tools and the best options to boost work efficiency

What is an Automated Grading System? 

An automated grading system is a tool that takes over the tedious task of marking assignments and quizzes. 

So, instead of manually going through each submission, the system uses clever algorithms to evaluate the work in a snap. 

It could be multiple-choice, essays, or even programming; these systems can handle it all. Besides, they’re super consistent and fair, which means no grading fatigue or accidental bias creeping in. 

Overall, it helps educators save time and sanity, all while keeping evaluations sharp.

7 Best Automated Grading Systems to Try

Grading is the part of teaching no one really talks about, but we all know it eats up way too much time. 

Late nights, endless papers, and, above all, the pressure of being consistent with every single student. 

Fortunately, there’s a smarter way to tackle it. The best automated grading systems take the grunt work out of evaluating assignments and give you more time to focus on teaching. 

We’ve enlisted the 10 best automated grading systems to make teaching less overwhelming for you. 

  1. Coursebox 
Coursebox AI Automated grading system

Coursebox AI slashes your workload while keeping students engaged 24/7. 

With AI tutors available at all times, your learners get instant feedback, freeing you up to focus on delivering top-tier content. The tool automates everything from grading to real-time support and more. 


  • AI-generated assessments in just 5 minutes. No more hours spent creating tests and quizzes. Coursebox AI can create complete assessments for you in minutes while ensuring they align with your course material and learning goals.
  • AI-generated rubrics for consistent grading. Take the guesswork out of grading. Coursebox provides detailed, AI-crafted rubrics. It also makes sure that each student is evaluated fairly and consistently, without bias.
  • Automated grading to save time. Say goodbye to long grading sessions. Coursebox AI handles the grading for you and delivers accurate results in a fraction of the time.


  • Freemium is available
  • Paid plans cost anywhere between $17 - $2,499 per month (billed yearly)
  1. Pearson MyLab
Pearson MyLab for grading

Pearson MyLab is here to streamline your teaching life. It offers a complete solution for managing courses while keeping grading stress to a minimum. 

More than just an automated grading tool, MyLab creates a learning environment where students receive personalized learning paths based on their progress. 


  • Automated grading for homework and exams. Let MyLab take care of the nitty-gritty grading details. The tool automatically grades homework, exams, and quizzes. This means you can have more interactive teaching moments with your students. 
  • Personalized learning paths. Every student is unique, and so are their learning needs. MyLab adjusts lessons and assignments based on individual progress. This way, each student is challenged at the right level.
  • Detailed analytics and progress tracking. Get the full picture of how your students are doing. MyLab’s analytics provide detailed insights into performance trends to help you spot areas for improvement at a glance.


Contact to inquire about the pricing. 

  1. Flubaroo
Flubaroo for grading

If you're a Google Forms fan, Flubaroo is about to become your new best friend. This free add-on for Google Forms and Sheets is a total game-changer for educators who want to skip the manual grading madness. 

Whether you’re handling quizzes or assignments, Flubaroo takes over the grading process and gives you quick insights into student performance without all the hassle.


  • Automated grading for Google Forms. Flubaroo instantly grades assignments submitted through Google Forms and saves you valuable time.
  • Email scores to students. Once the grading is done, the tool automatically sends each student their score (no extra steps required). 
  • Track individual student performance. The tool lets you keep an eye on how each student is doing over time. This allows you to easily see who’s excelling and who might need extra support.
  • Identify students needing extra help. Flubaroo’s built-in analytics feature flags students who may be falling behind. This gives you a heads-up on who might need some extra attention.


  • It’s a free tool. 
  1. Showbie
Showbie for grading

Showbie is a multifunctional platform that brings everything you need for assignments, communication, and feedback under one roof. 

Gone are the days of juggling multiple tools; Showbie simplifies your workflow with its integrated gradebook. Whether you want to grade assignments or provide feedback, the platform makes it a breeze. 


  • Mark and grade work directly. No more flipping back and forth between documents. You can grade student work within the shared folder. This makes it easy for you to evaluate assignments as you view them.
  • Enhanced feedback options. Showbie lets you go beyond just numbers with meaningful feedback. You can, for instance, add written comments, or better, save time by recording audio feedback - just hit record and let your thoughts flow!
  • Quick overview of grades. Easily check grades by categories like assignment, class, or student. The platform also provides a clear picture of how everyone is performing so you can identify areas for improvement.


Contact for pricing. 

  1. BookWidgets
bookwidgets for grading

Bookwidgets is an innovative learning platform that lets teachers design and grade lessons in a flash. 

With over 40 engaging activity types at your fingertips - including quizzes, crosswords, and worksheets - you can create meaningful learning experiences for your students. 

And once your students complete their assignments, BookWidgets automatically grades them as they submit. So, whether you’re at your desk or on the go, accessing results and insights is just a click away. 


  • Seamless submission and auto-grading. Once students complete their assignments, they’re graded automatically upon submission. This means you can focus on teaching while BookWidgets handles the nitty-gritty of grading.
  • Real-time progress tracking. The teacher’s dashboard provides a detailed view of each student’s progress.
  • Constructive feedback made simple. Providing feedback is a piece of cake with BookWidgets! It lets you personalize comments right from the grading dashboard. So, in case you have personal insights to help students improve, you can easily share them.


  • A free trial is available
  • Paid Plans range anywhere from $9.95 - $55 per month. 
  1. ZipGrade
zipgrade for grading

ZipGrade is designed to turn the daunting grading task into a swift, stress-free process. With just a quick scan of your students' tests using your smartphone, the app provides you with instant grades. 

But remember, while it’s a champ at grading, it leaves the real learning to you. It’s up to you to discern where your students may be struggling and which concepts need a little extra TLC


  • Fogli di risposta flessibili. Scegli tra i fogli di risposta standard nei formati da 20, 50 o 100 domande oppure dai sfogo alla creatività con il Custom Form Wizard. Ti consente di personalizzare i fogli di risposta in base alle tue esigenze, incluso il numero di domande, le opzioni di risposta e le etichette.
  • Diversi tipi di domande. ZipGrade ti consente di creare fogli di risposta per domande vere/false, corrispondenze e persino voci numeriche in griglia.
  • Valutazione istantanea ovunque ti trovi. Basta scansionare i fogli delle risposte compilati con il tuo smartphone e guardare ZipGrade fare la sua magia. Ti darà voti precisi in pochi minuti.


  • È disponibile un freemium, ma è limitato a 100 scansioni al mese.
  1. Gradoscopio Turnitin
turnitin for grading

Dite addio alle notti passate tra i giornali e date il benvenuto a dedicare più tempo a tenere lezioni di grande impatto!

Gradoscopio Turnitin velocizza la valutazione sia per gli incarichi digitali che per quelli cartacei. Con le sue eleganti funzionalità di valutazione basate sull'intelligenza artificiale, è in grado di gestire qualsiasi cosa, dai report dattiloscritti agli esami scritti a mano.

Inoltre, si integra perfettamente con i tuoi sistemi di gestione dell'apprendimento preferiti, il che è un vantaggio.


  • Automazione della valutazione basata sull'intelligenza artificiale. Che si tratti di un rapporto di laboratorio o di un esame di matematica, lo strumento fornisce risultati precisi in pochissimo tempo.
  • Supporto versatile per la valutazione. Non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi del tipo di incarico; Gradescope può gestire tutto! Dai quiz ai progetti estesi, è progettato per una vasta gamma di valutazioni, in particolare per quelle difficili materie STEM.
  • Feedback rapido per gli studenti. Vuoi aiutare i tuoi studenti a imparare? Gradescope ti consente di fornire un feedback rapido e di aiutarli a comprendere i concetti in modo più efficace.


Contattaci per richiedere informazioni sui prezzi.


Gli educatori non devono più passare le notti a studiare attentamente i compiti con una grande tazza di caffè in mano. Invece, potresti sorseggiare quel caffè in pace mentre il tuo sistema di valutazione si occupa di tutto per te.

I migliori sistemi di valutazione automatizzati, oltre ad alleggerire il carico di lavoro, consentono di creare percorsi di apprendimento personalizzati per un coinvolgimento autentico degli studenti.

In questo modo, puoi personalizzare il tuo insegnamento e incontrare gli studenti proprio dove si trovano. Quindi, vai avanti, scegli il tuo strumento e lascia che sia lui a fare il lavoro pesante per te; il tuo io futuro ti ringrazierà!

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