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Blended Learning Strategies: Combining Online and In-Person Training

Gone are the days of conducting classes in-person only or shifting the entire module online. Use these blended learning strategies to your advantage today.

Blended Learning Strategies: Combining Online and In-Person Training

Blended learning is a methodology that combines online and classroom education. It is an effective way to gain an educational advantage in areas or fields such as leadership or employee training, business skills development, computer training, etc.

The approach has gained significant popularity over the last few years. We know the importance of traditional physical classroom settings. At the same time, online sessions with comprehensive course material comprising different tools and assessments have many advantages, too.

So, the blended learning methodology gives you the best of both worlds.

The Advantages of Blended Learning 

Blended learning has so many advantages that it is becoming increasingly popular in universities and workplaces. The top advantage is that it increases student-teacher engagement. 

Moreover, because different teaching methods are involved, there is greater knowledge retention among students. Plus, the system is adaptable to any age group for formal and informal education. 

Some more advantages include:

  • It reduces costs by eliminating travel expenses and the need for expensive equipment and materials.
  • The system saves time; students can cover a lot of material in very little time and finish their work faster than when taking traditional classes.
  • Students can work independently and gain access to all the learning material online.
  • Students can also work per their schedules and timelines and can gain access to recorded lectures and other materials at any time during the day and night.

4 Blended Learning Models

The blended learning models are very flexible. They can be tailored to the specific needs of each classroom, student, and time.

There are four different models of the system based on the availability of resources and the curriculum.

  1. Enriched Virtual Model

The blended virtual model combines online learning and periodic physical classrooms. 

Although most of the learning is online, there are several in-person sessions for discussion, labs, and assessments.

  1. Station Rotation

This model involves a series of rotations in online learning activities, independent work, and physical activities.

An interesting sub-type of the model is the ‘Flipped Classroom.’

In this model, the students access the course material and learn the concepts through online resources. In contrast, they engage in active discussions and interactive activities in physical classroom settings.

So, they do their classroom work at home and do more hands-on skills and projects during class.

  1. Flex Model

In this type, the students work independently at their own pace, place, and timings. The teachers facilitate the learning as needed. This model allows students to access all the learning material and assessments online.

  1. A La Carte Model

In this type, students may opt to take a few courses entirely online and others physically. It's a unique mix of in-person and online classes based on students' preferences and needs.

10 Effective Blended Learning Strategies

Hybrid learning involves a mixed mode of instruction and gives students a dynamic and integrated learning experience.

Let's talk about some of the blended learning strategies you can use. 

  1. Collaborative Work

Blended learning gives you a virtual learning experience. This form of learning is ideal for collaborative work. Teachers deliver physical, in-person lectures and use PowerPoint and other traditional resources.

At the same time, they also use other resources to structure the entire course collaboratively to maximize learning.

With a widened set of activities and learning material, students can develop problem-solving skills, think outside the box, and gain new perspectives.

Another benefit of this collaboration is that students from different countries or cities can benefit from the same technique. All the material and reviews are available online, and teachers are there to provide virtual input and support along the course.

  1. Online Support

The environment is very conducive to online work. Teachers can use interactive videos, images, animations, graphics, and all available media to increase student motivation.

Statistics show that people retain 95% of the content they view on a video compared to what they read. So, using videos and other media is a successful strategy for increasing retention. 

Thanks to online platforms, finding and incorporating such graphics and videos into your course plan is very easy. You can also use technology like Coursebox AI e-learning to deliver instructions to reinforce the concept via different exercises and activities.

Visuals, quizzes, assessments, mobile apps, an AI tutor chatbot, and other tools are also available to help you create an interactive and engaging session.

Moreover, online support can be used to access the students or contact them for online tests for the exam. Tools and automation can check multiple-choice questions, saving time and effort. Also, it allows greater flexibility and customization according to the student requirements for each course. 

  1. Structured Learning

With a highly structured platform, students can complete different exercises and chapters in an orderly way. However, the syllabus is automated, showing the learning progress and monitoring where each student stands and areas where they need to improve.

Also, all the material is available online so all new students can catch up. Students who have missed a lecture can check it online and download the recording and other lecture materials from the platform.

  1. Live Online Training

Today, hybrid online training modules are also welcomed in the corporate and academic worlds. The facility allows students from different regions, countries, and locations to come together and learn from their trainers.

You can centralize training via live online training techniques by Coursebox. The platform helps generate the course and training material and awards certificates to employees or students who’ve performed well.

Use it to design training videos, training materials, and assessments, especially if you have an expanded business. 

All employees and workers can access the materials in real-time, allowing for a widened perspective while minimizing resources and effort.

  1. Frontloading Vocabulary

This strategy involves structured teaching of terms, jargon, or specific vocabulary. It also teaches students how to use these words and apply the knowledge in the practical world.

The strategy is applied before, during, and after the session. This allows the students to correlate the concepts. It also helps develop the academic vocabulary and the ability to use the terms correctly.

  1. Use of Translations

Translations are another core strategy for helping students analyze and listen to the text. They help them understand and interpret the specific language relevant to the course.

  1. Visualize, Represent, and Share

In this blended learning technique, the students visually represent a part of the course after the lecture is completed and the chapter closes. 

They use the visualization technique to represent the core concept of the course and then share their perspective or virtual model with the other students and their teacher.

  1. Discussion

Group discussion and brainstorming are very effective techniques for unconventional thinking and finding optimal solutions to any problem.

The discussions are conducted so students can communicate their views and earn points through their contributions. These discussions also keep them engaged with the other students and the teachers. 

The strategy can be applied before, during, and after the class. 

  1. Multiple Types of Instruction Material

Blended learning is a fantastic opportunity to make use of multiple types of instruction materials. 

It's not just a requirement but also a very effective strategy to provide students with a dynamic learning and blended experience that combines all the positive aspects of physical and online classes.

Feel free to use all internet resources, other teaching material, and online quiz generators at platforms like Coursebox. The platform uses AI to provide automated course generation, training, and assessments.

Combining all these resources will make hybrid learning easy, enjoyable, and fast. So work on creating a comprehensive course plan including teaching resources like:

  • A worksheet to warm up the class (you can find it using the online resources)
  • A reading class activity
  • A discussion on the topic by the teacher
  • Group activity from your teaching resources
  • Homework from the textbook or online resource

Some course topics can be learned quickly from the textbook, while others are better learned using activities or digital resources. Blended learning has the unique advantage of allowing you to use all the approaches you can to make the concept as easy to grasp as possible.

  1. Differentiated Instructions

It's a teaching technique you can use to differentiate your instructions to cater to the differing needs of the whole classroom.

You can connect with every mind this way. How to do it? 

Create three versions of the lesson based on the student's class performance. For instance, you can use visuals for self-assessment quizzes for students with learning disabilities or slow learners.

For the top readers, give them timed textbook reading tasks.

Lastly, for those who perform well with traditional teaching methodology, you may deliver the lecture as you would typically do in an undifferentiated classroom.

Wrap Up

Hybrid or blended learning is a significant shift in the educational system. Balancing the pros of online and in-person classes can help create personalized courses and increase engagement. 

As a result, it equips minds with the appropriate use of technology and prepares them for real-world success. Embracing blended learning strategies is the need of the hour to empower future minds and reshape our educational landscape.

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