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9 Adaptive Learning Platforms for Employee Training

Adaptive learning platforms equip employees with the training they require. Read on for the 9 popular platforms including the versatile Coursebox AI. 

9 Adaptive Learning Platforms for Employee Training

Since the rise of technology in the last few years, many platforms have been created to provide easy, one-click solutions to corporate workers. For the most part, education stands above everything else. Be it learning institutes or corporate systems; almost everyone is on the internet searching for something to upgrade their existing knowledge level.

Here comes adaptive learning at play. But how is it different from the conventional learning methods? It’s simple. It just shifts the focus on YOU. Every information given is tailored to the user and personalized to the extent that it leaves no loophole. Multiple adaptive learning platforms have been created since the AI surge. 

Let us get into the most popular adaptive learning platforms that completely transform how learning platforms work.

A Quick Overview To Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is a personalized strategy for the learners’ unique needs and requirements. Leveraging algorithms and AI technology, it assesses a learner's shortcomings and strengths and creates a customized plan to effectively meet their learning goals. 

Given the information provided on the Internet, almost 47% of workers believe that they cannot find what they need on the Internet to perform their jobs. Now, nearly every one of us uses the internet to gain knowledge, even if it consists of looking up a word from the thesaurus. 

Learning outcome comparison


In corporate settings, employees need to be trained to boost their productivity and accentuate the company’s revenue growth. For that purpose, orthodox teaching methods miss the mark. So, various adaptive learning platforms are utilized. 

What Are Adaptive Learning Platforms?

Educational and business institutes are incorporating adaptive learning by using adaptive learning platforms or learning management systems (LMS). 

These systems track learners' progress, performance, and understanding to provide a differentiated learning environment for everyone.

The use of LMS has also skyrocketed since 2022, with 73.8 billion users worldwide. Of these, 65% are corporate-level executives. 

Impact of LMS innovation on organizations


Types of Adaptive Learning Technologies

There are two main types of adaptive learning technologies mostly used in learning management systems.

1. Designed Adaptivity

Designed adaptivity is a web-based learning system that allows users to choose what works best for them, including when and how to learn. Instructional designers decide on the module using the if/then approach. 

2. Algorithmic Adaptivity

Algorithmic adaptivity is the system’s ability to adjust automatically based on user behavior and needs. Automated algorithms use signals from the user's learning activities, including their performance, engagement, and feedback. These signals guide the teaching sequence and make changes accordingly. 

In the right learning management system, the system is constantly changing. For instance, after you’ve learned something, it will automatically guide you to the following process or gradually increase the difficulty level of your assessments based on your previous performance. So, everyone has the freedom to set their speed while also being challenged positively.

Benefits of Adaptive Learning Platforms on Employee Training

According to recent statistics, employees in workplaces have immensely benefited from adaptive learning platforms and complete their tasks 33% faster than what used to be done manually. It underpins the impact these platforms have on employee training and performance. Let’s see some of the benefits they provide:

Benefits of adaptive learning


1. Individualized Instruction

Adaptive learning is useful because it allows for more personalized attention. When compared to other forms of feedback, current eLearning approaches lack in the area of individualization. 

A review by EdTech Review states that learners have shown an impressive 20% increase in retention rate using personalized learning techniques. Based on the learner's tasks and responses, adaptive learning technology adjusts itself using algorithms. In turn, this simulates the one-on-one training much needed in the corporate sector.

2. Improved Efficiency

If learners already have a strong understanding of the material, adaptive learning can cut their time in half compared to the traditional training format. For students to do the same, a "personalized approach" is necessary. 

Learners don't necessarily have to go over the material they already know, which is the context here. Instead, they opt to pay attention to the things that pique their interest.

Consequently, it assists corporate workers in saving a tremendous amount of time away from the arduous training journey. Businesses can benefit from adaptive learning platforms in training by creating higher-quality programs.

3. Confidence-based Approach

In adaptive learning, learners’ existing knowledge is evaluated using a confidence-based evaluation strategy. Question topics are chosen based on their professed level of expertise in the particular area. 

As an indirect way to provide individualized feedback and learning, this strategy is highly effective in understanding what the learners are aware of, whether consciously or unconsciously. Research done by NCFE shows that confidence-based learning improves knowledge retention by 20%.

4. Design Customized Modules

Data is collected by adaptive learning platforms as learners go through the modules. Each of their objectives, course materials, and learning trajectories can be fine-tuned with the help of this data. The existing data will aid in the modification of training to better suit the learner's needs.

With the adaptive learning platform's "skill" tracking capabilities, HR managers have a yardstick by which to judge an employee's promotion readiness. Therefore, learners can progress more quickly in reaching their objectives with the support of adaptive learning in corporate training.

5. Tailored Education for a Diverse Class

When working with a diverse set of learners, adaptive learning works wonderfully. Whatever an employee’s current level of knowledge—beginner, moderate, or advanced, adaptive learning can accommodate.

6. Remediate Weaknesses 

Adaptive learning in corporate training allows employees to efficiently remediate their weaknesses rather than wasting time going over ideas they have prior knowledge of or concepts they don't yet understand.

9 Popular Adaptive Learning Platforms

Among the excess of newly developed adaptive learning tools, here are a few of them that are the most popular.

1. Coursebox AI

  • Rating: 4.8/5
  • Pricing: It offers 4 packages (Free, Creator, Expert, Branded Platform, Coursebox 360)
  • Usage: Employee training
Coursebox AI learning design tool

Coursebox AI is an advanced AI learning platform widely used for employee training. The employees receive personalized guidance and content keeps them in the loop. Automated certificates grade learners while offering instant rewards without having you wait for longer periods.

The Coursebox AI e-learning authoring tool can be integrated with the pre-existing LMS or HR platform. It supports automated task completion by providing real-time feedback and high-quality content. 

Companies have been using Coursebox AI for training and upskilling of employees. It is used in 60+ languages in more than 180 countries worldwide. 

2. Knewton Alta

  • Rating: 4.6/5
  • Pricing: $10.95 per person per month
  • Usage: Engineering and science manufacturing

Knewton Alta is a personal learning platform that offers students individualized math, science, and economics-focused learning opportunities. 87% of students using Knewton have improved their knowledge of subjects. 

Businesses in fields like engineering or science manufacturing, where staff members need to review skills they may have acquired in college, also benefit from this platform.  

With each contact, Knewton Alta's adaptive learning technology modifies the learning experience based on the learner's competence level, giving staff members a customized route to continent mastery. 

To reinforce important lessons and fill knowledge gaps, this platform offers study plans, fast feedback, and detailed explanations for queries. This approach enables students to learn from their mistakes and adopt a growth-based, continuous learning attitude. 

3. RealizeIt

  • Rating: No reviews
  • Pricing: Available upon contact
  • Usage: Workforce upskilling

RealizeIt is a multi-award winning adaptive learning platform that helps businesses create unique educational experiences leaving behind the one-size-fits-all learning strategies.

Text, videos, quizzes, and simulations are just a few of the material formats offered by the platform to keep learners interested and involved.

RealizeIt expedites the attainment of learning objectives by emphasizing mastery rather than merely content completion. Throughout their journey, users receive feedback that celebrates their successes and points out areas where they may improve.

4. Adaptemy

  • Rating: Not available
  • Pricing: Available on request
  • Usage: Public organizations

Adaptemy is an adaptive learning software that provides robust solutions for businesses to be incorporated into their existing learning platforms. 

Through the use of this platform, businesses may create custom courses with logical curriculum mapping and eye-catching UI and UX designs, as well as integrate learning experiences with their existing LMS. 

The data will be used to adjust the software according to the learner’s preferences in real-time. With a curriculum map and content metadata, a new personalized learning experience is created. 

AI-driven working process of Adaptemy


5. SC Training

  • Rating: 4.7/5
  • Pricing: self-authored plan is free
  • Usage: Corporate training 

SC Training

SC Training is an adaptive learning platform containing well-designed features, for instance, e-learning templates, gamification components, and an analytics suite.

You can use the Create with AI tool on the platform to create AI courses. All you have to do is input the topic that your course has to cover, and SC Training will take care of the rest quickly. Texts, graphics, and quizzes are automatically incorporated into the subtopics. 

Additionally, you have access to over 80 templates and the built-in authoring tool of SC if you choose to modify it. Furthermore, you can use its extensive reporting and analytics function to identify learning gaps for both individuals and teams. 

6. Whatfix

  • Rating: 4.6/5
  • Pricing: Offers 3 packages (Standard, Premium, Enterprise)
  • Usage: Upskill employees

Whatfix is a platform for digital adoption that allows adaptive learning experiences to be placed across the digital workplace. Users can receive context-sensitive, individualized coaching from Whatfix depending on their requirements and behaviors within a program or application.

To help users navigate difficult tasks or processes, it provides walkthroughs, suggestions, and real-time analysis of user interactions. Stats have shown that using Whatfix has improved employee productivity by 1.25 times. The learning process is made more effective and efficient by this adaptability, which guarantees that users receive the appropriate amount of guidance at the exact moment they need it. 

 Difference Whatfix has made in the corporate sector


7. 360Learning

  • Rating: 4.6/5
  • Pricing: $8 per registered user per month
  • Usage: Team-based learning

With 360Learning, all staff members may quickly upskill since the collaborative learning platform uses AI and social features to turn internal experts into knowledge creators.

The platform's integrated Learning Management System (LMS) for collaborative learning enables users to quickly develop and share engaging content, and it offers multiple pricing options to meet the demands of different types of organizations.

It works well with businesses seeking a team-based training platform that streamlines the course creation for individual employees. The AI features provide recommendations tailored for every individual for adaptive corporate learning.

8. OttoLearn

  • Rating: 4.8/5
  • Pricing: $250/month 
  • Usage: Professional development

With just two minutes a day, OttoLearn offers interesting, bite-sized knowledge chunks. Its gamified microlearning technology, which has won multiple awards, adjusts to your needs to provide spaced repetition and customized reinforcement that promotes long-term retention.

Training staff may create microlearning content more quickly and easily with the integrated Content Studio, making the process easy to use. The dynamic learning environment incorporates gamification features like points, prizes, and leaderboards.

The platform is used to provide efficient compliance training, upskill current personnel, and onboard new workers.

9. RapL

  • Rating: 4.8/5
  • Pricing:  Starting from $7.00 /month
  • Usage: Product and compliance training
A picture of the dashboard of RapL

A cloud-based tool called RapL is revolutionizing employee training for businesses. It makes use of AI-powered personalization, gamification, and microlearning—the delivery of knowledge in chunks to create an impactful learning experience.

RapL divides lengthy, difficult-to-understand training subjects into manageable, quick lessons that staff members can access from any location. This strategy minimizes interruptions to workflow and encourages ongoing education.

Dashboard of RapL


The system adjusts the learning path based on the unique requirements and learning speed of each employee using AI algorithms. Businesses make use of RapL's microlearning approach to efficiently deliver compliance or accessible product training classes.


Employee training has become crucial in the ever-evolving world of advancements. Many corporate business owners and HR managers utilize adaptive learning platforms like Coursebox AI to empower their employees with personalized and effective learning experiences.

Coursebox AI stands out as a versatile tool among the discussed paid and free adaptive learning platforms to provide training initiatives and drive organizational success in your business. Discover more and upgrade your employee training strategy today!

FAQs: Adaptive Learning Platforms 

What is an example of an adaptive learning system?

The most commonly used adaptive learning examples are Netflix and Duolingo. These platforms take notes of the user preferences and then provide tailored content based on that.

What is adaptive learning in the workplace?

In a workplace, employees need to be trained and informed of the upcoming strategies. So adaptive learning platforms are used to boost their productivity, upskill them, and for the overall professional development of individuals and teams.

What is adaptability in training?

Adaptability in training involves preparing employees to adapt to the changing technology, market conditions, and organizational goals. 

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